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"Babe, listen. Can we talk.?" You ask your husband who was chilling on the sofa and watching some golf.

He hums in response but his eyes were still glued to the TV.

"Nialll." You whine and snap your fingers in front of his face.

"I'm listening baby." But he was still staring at the television. You sigh and straddle him and position yourself on his lap.

His hands find their way to your waist in no time, as though it was a habit. He leans his head back on the rest of the sofa and stares at you with a lazy smile.
"Okay, now you have all my attention, what's up?" He takes the strands of your hair and starts to twirl it around his fingers.

"Listen, it's important. I really have to get it off my chest." You say as you pick up the TV remote and mute the commentary going on in the back.

"Get what off your chest?" He looks at you with a confused look. "If it's your shirt, you don't have to ask twice." He says with a smirk that breaks into a smile.

You blush and can sense a smile creeping into your face but you quickly fix your expression.

"Niall not now. It's... serious. Please listen to me. If you keep talking about removing my shirt like that and forget what really happens when we have sex..." you trailed off. You lost your chain of thought.

He tilts his head in confusion and looks at you. "I'm not exactly following." He knits his eyebrows in confusion.

You turn silent. You want to tell him. You want to tell your husband that the sudden responsibility that had been thrusted onto you was something you weren't prepared for at all.

"what's wrong y/n?" His eyebrows knit in confusion. His fingers were aimlessly drawing patterns on the side of thighs.

"Umm you see... I ... you know when we... I think I'm.... no I know I'm actually... we're gonna be... I think..." You're rambling nervously looking for the right words to say what you had to say.

"Y/n you're scaring me... what's wrong?" His voice is suddenly laced with concern and he sits up a little more straight. You get off his lap.

"I think I'm..." You trail off again and look away from Niall's piercing gaze.

"You're what?"

"Pregnant." You mumble.

"Pregnant." Niall repeats with disbelief over his face.

Your eyes still couldn't meet his face and the sudden silence was killing you.

"Wow... I can't believe this. Y/n...We're.. we're gonna be parents? Oh my God. I... wow. Thank you so much. That's the best thing I've heard this whole year, wow... I love you." You could hear the excitement build in his voice. He bent forward and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.

"I really can't believe this oh God... when... did you find out?" Niall asked with a big smile on his face and you noticed his eyes flickering to your belly.

"It's been a while. About three weeks ago." You say with a sigh.

"Wait... Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He looks at you in confusion.

"I... I guess I wasn't sure..." You trailed off again.

"Ok forget that, this is so exciting. Wow. Do you want to like go to the Doctor tomorrow. I think that's the right thing to do. Wait lemme check my schedule." He stretched to his side and picks up his phone to check his phone.

You were sitting silently observing your husband.

"I still can't believe it." He mumbles under his breath. "Wow... imagine a tiny version of us." He had the biggest smile on his face as he checked his calendar on the phone.

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