🔆Can I Make A Call In PEACE?!

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You and Niall were finally meeting each other after three weeks.

He was busy with his work at the studio  and you were busy with yours. The company you worked at in fact was taking a major project which kept the department that you headed very busy.

It is a late Friday afternoon, you're both sitting at the table in the kitchen, having coffee and discussing different songs and the stories behind some of the most iconic hits. Well it's Niall, what other kind of conversations were you expecting. But you don't mind it, you enjoyed hearing about it.

You were talking about it, when your phone rang. It was your boss. You cleared your throat and greeted her formally. She asked you if this was a good time to talk. You said yes and got up and went to your living room to continue the conversation.

She had started to talk about some advertising strategies for the project and you had gotten equally involved in the discussion and almost forgotten about the conversation you were having with Niall.

It had been 25 minutes and Niall had walked into the living room a few minutes back.

Initially Niall had been on his phone but then started to stare at you, while you talked. You'd look at him every few seconds making apologetic faces and he'd roll his eyes at you, playfully though.

"Y/n, how much more time.?" He asked from across the room. It was moderately loud and you were pretty sure your boss heard it too. You glared at him. He rolled his eyes again.

This constant staring game continued.  You were annoyed and about to get up and leave the room when he quickly came till you and slapped your bum.

You turn around and gasp.
"Is everything okay?" Your boss asks sounding sort of worried. You just tell her it's nothing. And leave the room, after pushing Niall away from you making him chuckle.

To annoy you even further he starts following your around the house like a lost puppy. You stopped in front of the mirror and were talking to her when Niall came and kissed you gently on your neck. And then at your favourite spot.

Your eyes involuntarily fluttered shut. And at that moment your boss asked you a question and all that came from your mouth was a low moan. YOU WERE SO EMBARRASSED.

You coughed and tried to cover it up. You went to the bed and sat down in the corner, still having the conversation. Niall came and sat beside you and kissed your ear. It tickled so much you giggled. And scooted away from him.

He came closer and this time gently nibbled at your earlobe. This time you turned around and he just pulled you into him. And in almost a swift moment he was lying down and your body was on top of his, your faces mere inches apart. You slapped him on his chest.

"Niall stop it. I cant. Not now." You whisper shout and make a stern face and lift your pointer finger up at him.

Before you can say anything else to anyone your boss suddenly stops you.

"You know what y/n, have fun. It's alright we can talk a little later." She said and hung up.

Heat rises to your face as you realise she did kind of realise what was happening on the other side of the call. You narrow your eyes and stare at Niall.

"Well thank god she hung up." Niall says, faking a sigh of relief.

"I never do this with your calls. Why can't I make a call in peace. Why are you so annoying. Like it was important Ni."

"If it were, she wouldn't have hung up like she did. It didn't sound like she minded it."

You roll your eyes at him.
"I'm so mad at yo-" he just pulls you down on him again and kisses you.

"Great way to shut me up." You mumble against his lips.

"The best actually." Niall says as he kisses you again.

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