🔆Where Were You?

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"Gosh where have you been?! It's 3 in the morning. Do you know how many times I've called you?! I was so damn worried! Even your crazy friends don't pick up their phones.Why do you always keep your phone on silent.? Wait, are you wet?! And why do you smell so strongly  of champagne...?" Your boyfriend bombarded you with questions as you got home late.

"Nialll Stop acting like my dadd." You stretched out the syllables of your words as you crash into his chest and wrap your arms around his neck. "Baby you're drenched in champagne." He says out loud while scrunching his nose, pushing you away from himself.

"God I knew this was a bad idea, you have to be more responsible." Niall sighs and makes you sit down on the sofa in your living room.

You had gone for a bridesmaid party as your best friend from high school was getting married. Niall didn't like your high school friends too much and even tried to talk you out of it but you didn't budge. You had just come home sloshed from this crazy fiesta your best friend had planned before she got hitched.

He comes back a minute later with some warm water and fresh pair of clothes- your sweat pant and one of his white shirts. "Drink this and please go change." You were suddenly deep in thought. "Maybe I should have bought that dress from Zara. It was 60% off." You state very seriously. "I feel parched." You suddenly add.

Niall closes his eyes and sighs. "Then baby please drink some water and change. You'll catch a cold, your dress is wet."

"You know what Ni? I think peanut butter and honey is better combination than peanut butter and jelly." You say still looking into distance, totally ignoring his plea. He chuckled. "I'd fight you on this but you're drunk."

"I'm drunkkkk??" You ask with amazement in your voice.
"What if Dunkirk was named Drunkirk." You randomly state and start laughing reaallly loudly and almost fall off your seat but Niall suddenly comes by your side and you lean into him. "Oh god." Niall mumbles catching you. "You're crazy drunk." He mumbles but you barely catch it.

"Y/n this is the last time I'm telling you to drink water." He says in a commanding tone.

"No." You immediately shoot back.

He sighs.  "Honey at least change your clothes."  He caresses your cheek and hands you your clothes again.

You take it from his hand and head to the washroom to get changed.

A few minutes later you're struggling to get your head through the arm hole of the shirt.

"Niall. Help me. Please." You whine from the bathroom. He appears a few seconds later just to see you struggling to put your head through the arm hole. "It's not fitting." You say with a pout and huff exaggeratedly.

A small smile creeps onto his lips. He comes over to you and removes the shirt for you.

"Close your eyes. Don't see me in my bra." You say while he is removing the shirt for you.

"Babe,I've seen you naked." Niall states monotonously.

You gasp, "What the fuck.?! Did you take my permission?!"

"Yes I did. In fact you helped me take off your clothes, but I'll tell you about that some other time." He chuckles and kisses your forehead when he removes the shirt and puts back on for you, the right way.

He then picks up your sweatpants and holds it for you indicating you to put your feet in. You lift your leg up to put it in gripping onto his shoulders for support.

"Baby... my head hurts." You say and hiccup.

"Of course it does. Who told you to go ahead and get hammered?" He shakes his head in disapproval.

You look at him with a frown but it doesn't stay long and you yawn.

"You really need to sleep." Niall states and leads you to the bed. After you finally lie down he puts the blanket around you and tucks you in properly and sissy down next you, pushing a few strands of hair away from your face.

"Don't go home. Please stay with me." You request with a pout.

Your request makes him chuckle, "I live here too."

"That's good. That's good." You say softly as another yawn escapes your lips.

A few seconds pass by and you suddenly sit up forgetting about your headache and the tiredness you were feeling a few seconds ago.

"Wait, You look so much like my boyfriend." You say seriously poking your finger in his cheek.

Niall looks at you for a second as though he was contemplating something. "Oh... why don't you tell me about him.?" He asks with raised 'brows.

"He's cute. Treats me well. He is a niceee man." You say dragging the word nice, followed by a dreamy sigh.
"He plays the guitar and sings like an angel. He's very talented." You  continue to say with a giggle.
"That's-" Niall  begins to speak but you continue.

"Sometimes he's really hot." You add  becoming serious again, looking into distance.

"Oh. Damn. When do you find him hot?"Niall asks with his eyebrows shot up, a smirk creeping onto his face.

"Usually when he falls sick. His skin becomes so so hot, like it's burning." You say looking into distance. Niall almost chokes and starts laughing uncontrollably.

You look at him with a confused expression. "Why... why are you laughing?"

"Jesus, I think I love you."  He says with laughter suddenly but freezes. He had never said that to you. He'd always said stuff like how important you were to him and how he felt like he's actually found someone he is sure of and  is completely himself with. But this... he'd never said that he loved you.

"Then cuddle with me." You say as exhaustion hits you again. You were too drunk to realise what he had just confessed.
He simply  nods and gets in bed with you pulling you closer to him, spooning you. You're suddenly greeted with his scent,  and the warmth of his body against your back. He drapes his hand over your waist nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. Occasionally leaving soft kisses on your neck, sending gentle shivers down your spine each time.

"I don't know if you'll remember this in the morning, but god I love you."

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