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Niall and you were both co parents to your 4 year old daughter. The two of you were together for the first two years of having your daughter but then you amicably split, swearing to keep your daughter the first priority no matter what. There was no denying there were points where Niall and you felt something, but none of you actually did anything about those feelings because your daughter was still very young and the two you didn't want to try anything that may or may not last, and affect her. However lately Niall had been spending a lot of time with your daughter and you. He had been staying over for the past few nights.

He was helping you with the dishes and the two of you were talking about your daughter when he abruptly stopped. You looked over at raised your eyebrows.


"Y/n... I heard her talk about us to another girl from her class while I picked her up from kindergarten today."

"okay... and?" You stopped washing the dishes and wiped your hands on your jeans and turned to face him.

"Well her friend was talking about her family and telling our daughter about the people who stay at her place and when she asked our daughter, she said that she sometimes lived with her mom and sometimes with her dad. And then her friend went ahead and called it weird. I saw how hurt our daughter was. It broke me. I intervened at that point and told her it was time to go home and then she proceeded to ask when all of us would live together as a family. Y/n, she doesn't think of this as a family."

You were stunned and didn't know what to say. It broke your heart, you always hoped for your daughter to have a very healthy childhood without any complexities especially regarding her parents. This suddenly made you think about the times when you had feelings for Niall. You gulped.

"I... I don't know what to say Nialler. I guess we should talk to her tomorrow. I never wanted for her to feel this way. This sucks. I feel like such a bad parent." Your voice broke towards the end. It was also because she had asked about all three of you living as a family a few weeks back and you had distracted her.

He immediately pulled you into his arms. "No, y/n, you aren't. You're such a good and devoted mother. We will talk to her tomorrow and work through it together. We are a family, whether we live under the same roof or not and the both of you mean the world to me." You nod as you pull away. You purse your lips and look back into his eyes, your faces were just inches apart and you felt your heart rate start to escalate. He didn't avert his eyes and he cupped your face.

"Y/n, I want to." He looked down at your lips and you knew exactly what he was talking about. He had always been very open about his recurring feelings towards you and you always said you didn't feel anything because the first time he confessed you were seeing someone else and times after that, you lied that you didn't have feelings for him that way for the sake of your daughter. But after hearing the incident and being with him for the last few days, you wanted to kiss him too. You took a deep breath. He held your hands and leaned in to kiss you and you didn't stop him and kissed back. It was a short kiss and he pulled away.

"Let's talk about all of it tomorrow. Good night." You whisper and walk past him to your room, changed and get into bed. The kiss, though short, left you feeling tingly. Kissing him felt so familiar and it felt like home. You already wanted to kiss him again and you really wished things weren't the way they were right now. You couldn't help think about it for a long while before finally falling asleep.

The next day you woke up and got your daughter ready for school. By the time two of you were ready you heard Niall call out your daughter to the kitchen she ran to him and you followed behind him.

"Hey, morning. I made banana pancakes for us. It's got fruit so don't worry she has a healthy breakfast." He chuckled as slid another pancake off the pan and onto a plate.

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