🔅 The Way You Look Tonight

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THANK YOU FOR 18K🥺 so grateful for all you reading my work.  Sending love and light your way


"Wow.... I'm ....Oh wow, y/n...you look breathtaking. I am a lucky man."Niall looked at you in awe as you reached him, walking across the ballroom to his side.

"Thanks." You felt heat rise to your cheeks with the way he looked you up and down.

"I know I told you that I wanted to talk to you about something and it's -" You begin to speak because you had a confession to make but he cuts you off.

"Shh... First I really have to dance with you. The song that's playing, I love the chord progressions of it and the lyrics are just what I want to say to you." His hands slowly grab your waist and he pulls you closer, holding you as the two of you sway with the music.

You rest your head against his shoulder as he effortlessly guides your body to move with the song. The Way You Look Tonight -Michael Bublé.

He starts to sing along the words in your ear, making a shiver run down your spine, making goosebumps form on your skin as his hot air hit your ear.

You hold on to him and just cherish the moment and soak it all up in because maybe after your confession he may not feel the same.

His one hand was firmly at the small of your back and the other was delicately holding your hand. His simple contact with your body was enough to have a constant swarm of butterflies in your stomach.

The dim white lighting and the slow dancing couples around you at the charity ball all seemed to fade away when you thought of how you felt in Niall's arms.

"With each word your tenderness grows tearing my fears apart, and that laugh that wrinkles your nose it touches my foolish heart." Niall sang and you could feel tears prick your eyes as you heard him say that.

You really wished that he would feel the same after he heard what you had to confess.

"-lovely don't you ever change keep that breathless charm, won't you please arrange it cause I love you just the way you look tonight." Niall sang one of the last lines of the song and you couldn't take it anymore.

"Niall, I really need to talk to you." You say with urgency.

"What's the hurry let's have some - " he stops mid sentence when he sees that your eyes were glossy and that you weren't sporting a joyous expression like his.

"Y/n? Is something wrong?" He asks with concern laced in his voice and when you look at your feet to quickly blink away the tears he puts his index finger under your chin and makes you look at him.

"What's wrong?" he asks softly as he gently takes you to the corner of the ballroom.

The slow track had been replaced with a more upbeat song, changing the energy of the room.

"I need to tell you something and I don't know how you are going to react but I have to because I need to do the right thing." You say feeling really guilty and wished you you had never done what you had.

"You're scaring me. Is everything okay?"Did I... Did I do something?"

You shook your head no. "I did, and I just want you to know I am sorry. I have never felt like the way I feel about you. My feelings are strong and they scare me but I love what I have with you and I know that if I tell you this you're going to be mad and may not feel the same way about me but-"

"Y/n. Just tell me." It seemed like suddenly his guard was up and you could feel that what you had to say would end what you two had.

"We've always been friends and I knew about how you felt about you ex and when... we started to happen last month I needed to be sure that... that you weren't in contact with her anymore and she actually texted you, but before you could read them I deleted them and... I am sorry. I cant believe I'd do something so stupid. I hate that I did it."

Niall's hands dropped yours. His face fell. He was silent for a few moments.

"And why are you telling me this after a month? " His face was devoid of any expression.

"Because... I cant keep it with me anymore and... because she's here." You whisper the last part.

"What did those messages say? Wait, no I don't care. I just... I didn't expect this from you. I really wish you trusted me."

"I am sorry but if you would have read those messages you couldn't have said no to her. Niall I just... I am sorry I wanted to be the one you chose and I just thought that you wouldn't need to choose if you never knew about them. I know she was your first love and one can do anything to do anything to keep their first love."

"That's not true. I said I had moved on and I meant it. I loved her, yes but its history for a reason and you were in my present for a reason."

"Were?" You voice broke as you heard him say that and hold onto his hand. "Niall please don't say that. I am sorry."

"I need to think us through. I thought you were different and that my past and all wouldn't effect you or us. We were friends before anything else and I really thought you knew the real me." He sounded extremely disappointed and pulled his hand out from your grip.

"Niall I do. I do know the real you and I... I love that person. I love you. Please don't go." You were now pleading and hot tears were threatening to spill.

"Just some time back those words would have made me certain about so many things but I really don't know anymore. I just wish people fucking trusted me. Actually no, I just wish you did." He shook his head and started to walk towards the grand wooden doors that led to the exit of the ballroom and to the corridor .

"Niall wait." You follow him but he stops swiftly turns around and you almost bump into him. And that's also when you see his ex notice the two of you and she starts making her way towards the both of you.

"Do not follow me." And with a blurry vision you saw him walk out.


I added the link of the song above in case you haven't it. I think its originally by Frank Sinatra but a lot of artists have covered that song. It's hella beautiful.

NIALL IN A TUX>>>>>>>>>>

Also also I know the pic down below isn't of Niall wearing a tux BUT I suddenly remembered this photo and I had to put here. Look at how gorgeous he looks here.



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Also I'm thinking of a part 2... what do you think?

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