🔆 First Concert

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I know it's been a month since I've written but I had exams and assignments. But summer break has started for me so here I am. Also thank u for 12k! Omg. We were at 8 the last time. Take care and stay safe people.


Today you were attending Niall's  first concert of his 'Heartbreak Weather' tour. You were pretty excited . You'd seen almost all his rehearsals and even seen today's sound check. The set list was great and you could see how much effort the man put into his work.

You guys had known each other for a bit but had just started dating a few weeks back. The time the two of you had spent so far was nothing short of magical. He had been the perfect boyfriend and you felt so comfortable around him.


The concert was going pretty smooth and just as it had been planned. The audience was amazing and sang back every lyric. Towards the end when about 2-3 songs were left, you decided to head back to the green room and wait for him to come there. He didn't see you leaving though, he was singing way too passionately.

Smiling to yourself as the stage almost was out of your sight, you heard the crowd erupt into screams.

Loud, shrill screams. You quickly walk a few steps backwards & peek your head back just to see that Niall had removed the the coat  he was wearing. Leaving him in a white tank he was wearing inside.

And the huge screens next to the stage captured  the way his toned arms flexed as he picked up the guitar for the next track.

Niall smirked, bit his lip and winked making the crowd lose their shit. Heck even you did.

Niall was seen grinning in the screen and as he started playing the intro on the electric guitar. He was sweaty and his face was a little red with all the falsettos he'd been hitting and the temperature of the venue had just raised. You could feel it.

Soon the last songs ended and you quickened your pace and went to his changing room.

After about another 20-25 minutes he walked in. Sweatier than ever and shirtless.

"Hey y/n-" He started to say but you just took two massive strides towards him and smashed your mouth against his. Your hands on his neck. You were on your toes and leaning a bit onto him for support.
He smiled and tried to pull away to continue what he was saying but you just wanted nothing but his lips on yours.

You kissed him feverishly and pushed him and his back softly hit the door. He was quick to respond anyway. He pulled you closer by your waist and bent his head down a little further and deepened the kiss, licking your lips and sucking at your lower lip .

His hands slowly traced the sides of your torso as they came to your cheeks. Your hands slid from his neck, agonisingly slow, till they reach the hem of his pants and teasingly played with the waistband of his pants, you hands inching lower. He groaned a bit.

He lifted you up with a sudden movement and put you on the nearby table, dropping two bottles of hairspray. Oops. You just pulled him closer with your legs and wrapped it around his waist. Bringing him as close to you as possible.

He pulled away and started to leave wet kisses on your neck and you tilt your head a bit to give him better access. Your body warming up as each millisecond passed and his becoming sweatier. This was so hot. This is all you could imagine doing when he was out there performing.

You open your eyes and find his dilated pupils,  staring back  right back at you. You stare at each other. A small smirk creeps into his face and you blush slightly and look down.
"I'm that irresistible huh ?" He asks in his thick Irish accent while cocking an eyebrow up.

You could feel more heat rise to your cheeks. You start to reply when there's a loud knock.

"Niall we have to leave for the meet and greet now." Someone from outside hollered.

He looks at you and tilts his head.

"I had actually  wanted to come and ask you how the concert was... but I'm guessing you liked it." He said  with a chuckle. Your bodies still close and his breath was almost fanning your face.

"Liked it?!  You were crazy out there. I'm so proud of you. It was absolute perfection." You gush and put a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"Well I have to leave right now, but consider this unfinished." Niall said as he started to walk towards the door.

"This conversation or ..?" You ask feeling slightly embarrassed  flashing  a sheepish  smile.

"Oh both. Y/n. Both. Let me get back." He said with a loud laugh and he left.

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