🔅"I'd Love To"

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Your boyfriend of 3 months, Niall was lying on the sofa in your living room, watching some sports. You could hear the monotonous commentary  all the way till where you were sitting and working.

You were finishing of a review you were writing for an Oscar nominated film that the two of you had seen the night before. As you read through it again and made some corrections, Niall walked up from behind you and nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck and placed a soft kiss as he read your work under his breath. You sighed and leaned back as he wrapped his arm over you and continued to read what you penned.

"Looks pretty articulate and precise to me, babe. Just like how your boss likes it. Its the best you can do without telling the readers the main plot twist of the film." He smiles and sits down next to you. You look over at him and shake your head, "I know but just something feels missing...." you chew over your bottom lip and start reading it again from the top.

He chuckles in response. "Oh like how last week you felt the word domesticated sounded too extra so used the word tamed instead?"

You pout at him. "I can't help it okay? Domesticated was super extra. And who even uses words like that in a movie review while comparing two  direction styles, right?"

"I..." he laughs a little not know what to say. "Yes I agree with you." He shakes his head and picks up your used plate which had crumbs of the grilled cheese sandwich he'd made for you earlier. He goes to the kitchen and then makes his way back to you with a glass of water and you look at him with a smile.

"Thanks for making me stay hydrated. I don't know what I'd do without you." you say with a small grin as you down the glass of water. However the latter part of your sentence applied to not just your tendency to forget to drink the universal solvent. Your feelings for him had become very strong. Everything felt so much better with him and so ... right. Almost felt like love?

"I don't know... Die probably?" he says with a nonchalant shrug and purses his lips to keep a straight face. His sense of humour had the tendency to get lamer with each bottle of beer he drank. And right now he was almost three bottles down.

"Yea yea. very funny." you roll your eyes at him and he comes over swiftly kisses you, causing blood to suddenly rush to your face.

Niall heads back to the couch and continues watch what he was watching. Even after 3 months he still had this effect on you.

After a few minutes you hear him shouting at the screen , scrutinising some player.

"Ohh y/n that footballer your find really attractive is going to do a penalty kick. Come see!" He calls out to you enthusiastically.

You shake your head and push your chair out and jog over to the living room and sit down next to him.

The two of you were at the edge of the sofa eager to see what was going to happen.

The footballer kicks it perfectly making it a goal and leading to the victory of the team the two of you supported. The two of you stood up in excitement and he took you into a bone crushing hug and pulled you into his lap and sat back down, seeing the ending interviews of the players. While doing so he is mindlessly playing with your hair and then proceeds to wrap his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder.

You're about to get up and go but he tightens his grip on you. "Don't leave." He pouts lightly and you ease back into his arms.

Niall moves your hair to the side  and kisses the back of your neck, without disconnecting his eyes from the screen, making a small swarm of butterflies erupt in your tummy. 

"By the way you told me you'll show me what you wrote last night. What's it about?" You ask referring to the new song he wrote, as you lean further onto him, making yourself more comfortable.

He takes his time to reply to you that you almost think that maybe he didn't hear you. You're about to repeat yourself when he speaks up.

"I'd love to." He mumbles in your ear and bend towards the side to take out his phone.  Your body immediately froze. Did he just say those words you've been feeling but weren't sure of when to say. Did he just use the L word??? You had to think quick. You wanted to say it back so bad.

"I love you too. Oh my god. I love you too Niall." You turn around and take him in a bone crushing hug almost making him lose balance making him fall on back and on his elbow and he looks at you with a pleasant yet puzzled look on his face.

"That's .... that's not what I said." He says awkwardly and you pull away a little from him.

Your mouth forms an 'oh' and you feel so embarrassed and your cheeks heat up. You untangle yourself from him and tuck your hair behind your ear.

"But y/n-"

"I'm so sorry. This so awkward." You get away and are about to get up when he pulls you back.

"It's not y/n. In fact- "

"Yes it is. Oh my god. I'm so stupid." You smack you head and feel your face get red. Your palms feel sweaty and your heart rate has accelerated a lot. You quickly move out of his lap and get up to leave. "I need some fresh air."

"Y/n wait! JUST WAIT." He shouts. And you jump a little at his reaction
"It's so not awkward. Y/n." He cups your face. "In fact I'm glad you heard it that way because the song I was gonna make you hear, I wrote it for you. And I was hoping you'd pick up from that....that I love you. It's hard for me to express these things and even harder to say it because somewhere.... somewhere..." he stops and sighs and you keep staring at his face urging him to continue.

"Ni you don't have to-" you begin to speak but he cuts you off ,

"No no let me complete, y/n sometimes I feel like so scared to feel this way about someone. It's scary for me. I may seem very laid back or whatever but I get so affected when my emotions aren't reciprocated and they're taken for granted. I hate it and I know you aren't like that, at all , and that's even scarier. Because you're just so perfect. What if I fuck up or what if you don't feel the way I do or what if- "

"but I do feel the same way Niall. And I'm not going anywhere. At all. Because I've had the same fears. For a long while and that's why I haven't been with someone for so long. But with you," you interlace your fingers with his, "with you it feels so natural and so right and that's why I didn't want you thinking that it was too so soon or like-"

"Baby I get you. I so get you. The two of us  are just rambling at this point but fuck all  that. The point  is... I love you y/n. I love you. I love you." He holds both your hand in his. You felt giddy hearing his words.

You smile and lean in to kiss him and he pulls you into his lap and cups your face. You feel him smile through the kiss and your whole being felt so happy, beautiful and content because you were in the arms of the man you love and nothing could've felt better.

"I love you too, Niall." You kiss him again. "Now let me hear that song you wrote about me. I already know the underlying message." You say with a laugh and your heart fills up with joy as he laughs too and mumbles another 'I love you' under his breath.

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