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I've never updated so quickly lol. I hope y'all like this! It got too Christmassy but in my defence  I watched a Christmas episode on How I Met Your Mother  a few days back so that's definitely on my mind. Anyway, Lmk what you think of this!
Stay safe and take care people 💖💖

"What do you mean who the fuck is she? You told me to put myself out there, get laid, get distracted etc etc. So here she is. Stacey is her name."

"But you... You weren't... I can't believe... but she... so what about... I WISH YOU'D told me!" Connor blabbers.

"Let's talk about this once we get to your place. Please. Because I have no idea why you're freaking out when I did exactly what you've been wanting me to do all year." Niall says calmly.

"Okay." Connor sighs.

They reach home and Connor shows Niall & Stacey their room.

"Thank you." Stacey says and goes to use the restroom.

"Meet me in the backyard in 5." Connor instructs and leaves.

Niall freshens up, meet some of Connor's family and then heads to the backyard.

"Okay. I'm here. Spill the tea Con. Why are you so hyper today jeez?"

"Why am I hyper...? Hmm let's see. You usually NEVER take my advice. And the one time you do, you fuck up everything I was trying to lay the foundation for."

"Connor I have literally no fucking idea about what you're going off about."

"It's y/n! I saw her at the airport yesterday. She was dropping off some friend. Said she was good and doing fine but I knew better. She was just like you... Like how you were a month back. Pretending to have it all together when in reality it wasn't even close to it."

"I actually had it all together. See I got Stacey."

"Yeah okay don't bullshit me Horan. Let me finish." Connor snaps. "So I start talking to her and ask about you and blah blah. Turns out she does miss you and admits that she never meant what she said."


"Did you let me finish?" Connor rolls his eyes.

"And besides. I don't think I want that anymore." Niall mumbles under his breath.

"She did say that. I know. But she didn't mean it Niall. You should have known better. You let anger get the worst of you."

Niall doesn't say anything and looks into the distance.

"Niall... I told her y'all are meant for each other. Now you know me... I wouldn't say sappy shit like that for any random bitch... but dude y/n... you... she's...I think she's your person. And I think you know that too. You haven't dived into a proper relationship with anybody since then..."

"It's just been 11 months since we've broken up!" Niall defends.

"Just 11? Pfft. That hadn't stopped you before."

"So what do you want me to do? Drop everything here and spend Christmas with her like everything is rainbows and butterflies and like she didn't ruin what we had and pretend like everything is just like how it was last year?"

Connor shrugs his shoulders like what Niall said was the most obvious thing ever.

"And what the fuck would I do about Stacey huh? It's not that simple..." Niall sighs.

"It's only as complicated as you're making it. In my mind it's pretty obvious what you need to do."

"I don't know what kind romantic comedy horseshit you've been watching lately but ummm... it might be working."

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