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You wake up and start scrolling through your phone, it was 7 in the morning and you come across your boyfriend Niall's tweet from a few minutes ago. He was halfway across the world, on tour, and so that meant it was sometime in the evening where he was. Just a few hours before his show.

You immediately dialled his number, waiting for him to pick up. He missed your call. You tried twice more but he missed your call again.

You sighed and started writing a message to him when your screen starts to show that Niall was requesting to face-time you. You immediately picked it up, and are met with his tired, sunken eyes. He was wearing a loss grey sweater and his nose was red too.

"Heyyy." He said with a small smile, his voice was low and hoarse.

"Baby, what happened?" You say with a pout.

"Ahh, just some fever and full sinuses. Did you just wake up?" He said trying to brush it off but his voice almost diminished and you could literally feel how soar his throat must have been. He rubbed his temples quickly and you knew that he even had a terrible headache.

"I saw your tweet. Please rest tonight, baby. It'll get worse. Maybe postpone the show or-"

He cuts you off. "I can't y/n. You know that. Plus it's just the sinuses. Nothing new. Been here, done this."

You lie back down on your bed but end up dropping the phone on your face when you held it up above your face.

You hear a low chuckle from the screen which turns into a rough cough.

"See." You say talking about the phlegm that he had. "It sounds bad Ni . You'll get worse, and you shouldn't be singing if your throat's like that."

"But I want to, I don't wanna disappoint the fans." He mumbles, running a hand through his hair messy chestnut hair.

"You won't... they'll understand." You say sweetly and give him a small nod.

He's silent.

"I'm just concerned for you." You add.

"I know, hon." A small smile appears on his face. There's silence for a few seconds.

"Well it looks like you aren't gonna listen to me, so please pop a pill that'll help ease out the sinuses and the headache & sleep till the show. Don't waste time on your phone or lying around hear and there. Ask someone to make you some warm tea maybe with some ginger or something." You ramble as you get up and sit and tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.

He listens intently and shakes his head when you're done. "Okay, mom." A smile cracks on his face. You roll your eyes.

"Please go catch some sleep." You say as he just leans back on the sofa where he was sitting and drops his head backwards and stretches.

"Now..." You state again and widen your eyes at him for emphasis.

"You look cute even when you've just woken up." He says in a husky voice.

"That's not gonna let you get away." You narrow your eyes at him. He lazily laughs in response.

" I don't wanna get away, in the first place." He runs his fingers through his hair again.

You blush and chuckle a little. "At least excuse the cheesiness when you're sick. Speaking of which avoid dairy products, I know you know it but it's my job to remind you."

"Okay okay lemme just tell me mom that someone else is doing her job while she's back in Ireland ."

"Save your voice and breath. Go sleep Niall." You say and roll your eyes at him again.

"I wish you were here, by my side." He mumbles and flips the camera and shows the empty spot next to him on the bed.

"I wish that too...." You say and he flips the camera to his face again and pouts at the screen. You chuckle and there's another round of silence and he's just staring at you while you're doing the same.

"You should go, baby." You say with a soft smile.

He nods. "Yes. I'll call you after the show ."

"Please do. Break a leg, man." You say as you get out of bed.

"I sure will."


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