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"I can't believe you're making me do this." Vic mumbled in my ear as we walked down the hall towards Brendon who was rummaging around in his bag for something. He was too infatuated in searching to acknowledge us.

"Because I don't want to be hated by someone else's actions." I shot back, making Vic sigh yet again.

"Don't you think that's a little selfish of you? This is hard for me too you know?"

"It's selfish to get away with it." Was all I could slip out before Brendon looked up as us, a brief expression of shock on his face before it was wiped away and he went monotone.

"Can I help you?" Brendon asked politely, being sarcastic as usual. He slung his bag over his shoulder. I nudged Vic pretty hard, making him groan before clearing his throat.

"I have something to say." Vic mumbled, a little bit of bitterness in his voice. Brendon rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry." Vic came out with it faster than I suppose he intended. Brendon quirked his eyebrows.

"About...?" Vic rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry I destroyed your sculpture awhile back. I was jealous, you're one of the best here and I felt the need to be first for once. You deserved the prize." Vic explained, making me smile. I was satisfied now. Brendon eyed me.

"He made you do this didn't he?" 

"I did, but I know he means it." I lied. Who knew if Vic meant it or not. All I know is there was an apology and that was enough for me.

"...Fine, I accept. I guess we should put it behind us." Brendon suggested, making Vic and I nod in agreement. 

"Yeah, agreed." Vic held out his hand which Brendon shook politely, no signs of hatred written in his expressions anymore. I sighed to myself in relief. "We better get going." Vic told me, so I nodded silently.

"Thanks." Brendon said with a wave before hurrying off. Thank God that didn't blow up in my face. Vic laced his fingers with mine, which I'll admit has become the normal. I don't find his touch or kisses awkward anymore. 

"Where are we going?" I whispered to him as people looked at us a little awkwardly. The situation was pretty awkward, just the way he was practically dragging me along.

"Your place." Vic whispered back, so I quit restraining and held his hand properly, walking right beside him. We exited the building I was in a few days ago before we walked back to the apartments. I unlocked my apartment before shutting the door right after Vic walked in. 

"What are we-" I began but was quickly cut off by Vic's lips on my own. I groaned in discomfort from the suddenness, but soon kissed him back eagerly. Vic deepened the kiss, parting my lips with his tongue. Vic pulled back, cupping my face in his hands.

"Do you know how embarrassing that was?" He whispered, obviously out of breath. "I should punish you." He added on with a smirk. I smiled, pecking his lips before pushing him back a little.

"Hold your horses, we've only been together for like, two weeks." I mumbled, walking into the kitchen. Vic followed, wrapping his arms around me before kissing my neck, then biting the skin softly.

"That's enough time." He whispered in my ear, making me shiver. How the hell was someone like Vic so bold all of the sudden?

"No." I mumbled, and I meant it that time. I think. Vic chuckled before pulling back.

"Okay, okay." He put his hands up and backed up against the counter and watched me as I got some water. He blinked as if he was innocent as I looked back occasionally, letting go of his gaze immediately. 

"What are you doing?" I mumbled, setting my glass down before I walked over and grabbed him by the neck of his shirt, pressing his lips onto mine harshly. I pulled away, letting him drag me into the living room. I laid down on top of him, resting my head in the crook of his neck, kissing his skin lightly. Vic turned his head my way a little, kissing my forehead sweetly. 

"Wanna know something?" He asked me quietly, running his hand up and down my back soothingly.

"Hmm." I mumbled.

"I don't think I've ever liked someone so much. I mean, I've never dated a guy up until you, but nobody else compares." He explained. I propped myself up slightly, looking as his gaze. I smiled, reconnecting our lips softly.

"Well I've never been in a serious relationship before, so I'll get back to you on that." I mumbled, brushing my lips over his. Vic chuckled, leaning in a little more, so I pulled away to mess with him. Vic frowned.

"We're cute." He said with a smile, making me sit up. He shoved me off of him playfully before looking at the clock. I nodded in agreement. "I have another class I should get to." Vic explained, standing up and heading towards the door,

"Have an amazing time." I said sarcastically, laying back down on the couch.

"No goodbye kiss?" He questioned shortly after, making me chuckle.

"If you want one you can come here, but otherwise, no." I joked. 

"Not worth the walk, bye." Vic retaliated before walking out the door. I frowned, missing his presence immediately. Who knows how the hell I could like someone so fast, but I did and I can't even testify to it. It'd be a total lie if I told myself that there were very little strings attached to Vic. Maybe it's because I've never been in a relationship like this before, or maybe it's just because I'm kind of clingy. Being clingy isn't bad though. I mean, it gets you more cuddling and things like that. Who knows if I'm just clingy for Vic, or I'm just clingy in general. I've never seen myself as a very emotional person, so if it's in my nature then I'm finding that a little bit abnormal. 

My thoughts trailed to the book, and I couldn't stop myself from going in there and taking it off of the shelf before reading more and more into it. I was indulged in the book, even when Tony walked into my room. I wasn't prepared when he looked at the book and asked me about it though, but I probably should have. If he found out, chances are Mike and Vic will know, even though Mike doesn't believe me anyways. He'd tell Vic though, and i'm not ready for that quite yet. 

I'm aware I can't keep hiding the book from Vic, he deserves to know. I'm hoping our relationship can be trustworthy and we don't have to hide stuff about ourselves or our lives, but this is a little different. This is harder to explain to him, or to anyone in general. Chances are he'll think I'm out of my mind and dump me for all I'm worth, which isn't a lot to be honest. I don't really deserve him, but maybe that's just my self hatred talking. Who knows, I don't care right now.

Surprising enough, the book didn't really talk about Vic and I very much, which worried me a lot. Maybe we just won't be hanging out very often, or maybe I read over something. I just hope that isn't a sign our relationship didn't last very long. That's one of my biggest fears honestly, losing someone as fast as you got them. I continuously panic over that, even when I'm not in a relationship. Sure, it's not worth my time to worry about it, but I can't just stop in my tracks and totally forget about it. Anymore it seems it's pretty common for couples to split. Or at least it is in high school and possibly college. I wasn't going to wait four years for Vic, even though he's probably worth it. Hopefully, we don't wind up like everybody else though.

We're different, I can tell. For one, we're gay so that's a little thrown off from the common college relationships around here it seems. Also, we aren't just having an on and off fling like I see Tony do a lot. I see, or I'm hoping, that we're kind of committed to each other? I hate sounding so fucking weak and pathetic, but what do I really expect out of myself? I've never been in a relationship like this, and it's okay to be a little terrified of it all crumbling down on top of it.

It's okay to never want them to leave you, even though in the beginning they were the last thing you wanted. 

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