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The next few days were quite conflicting on my part. I'm going to go ahead and assume that Vic was completely fine and didn't feel uncomfortable. But me? I was a mess trying to form the proper way to tell him I think I love him. Maybe Tony's right; Maybe I should just say that I'm in love with him. It's not a simple set of words, but it's not that hard to admit as long as you mean. By now I've pretty much convinced myself it's the truth. 

My classes over the past week have seem extremely easy for once, and maybe that's because they are or I'm suddenly a genius. Funny, Kellin.

I thought about the conflict and how I could straighten this out. Duh, tell Vic. But there's one price to pay with telling him. I have to tell him about the book too. I know those are two different topics, but I feel that if I love Vic then he needs to know the truth. Hell, it's the reason we're together in the end. With a exasperated sigh, I pulled out my phone and dialed Vic's number. I had finished all my classes for the day and was sitting around at my house. I didn't know if Vic had a class or not.

"Hello?" Vic greeted. Okay, so no class then.

"Hey." I mumbled, biting my nails shortly afterwards. I honestly don't think I could be anymore nervous right now. "Can you come over? I need to talk to you."

"Uh oh, stern voice." Vic joked, which made a sly smile spread across my lips. "Yeah, I'll be over in a few." Vic added on before I agreed and we both hung up. I know what look I'm gonna get when he comes in. He's going to give me the affectionate yet worried expression that asks me if I'm okay solely on it's own. I hate that look; Even though I know it's just his way of caring. God damn does he care. Nobody has cared so much.

I got a glass of water and sipped at it anxiously. Just calm down Kellin, everything will be alright. Hopefully what i'm telling myself is true. I'm extremely high-strung right now, and I swear I could throw up anytime. There was a knock on the door about ten minutes later. I rubbed the palms of my hands on my jeans before trudging to the door and opening it. Vic stood there with a smile, but he looked different. I noticed immediately.

"You cut your hair?!" I inquired, looking him up and down. It didn't look bad, especially with the cute beanie over it.

"Yep, that's where I was before this, Decided it needed cut back a bit." Vic explained. At least it wasn't extremely short; It's just a little above his shoulders.

"I love it." I complimented before Vic leaned in, pressing his lips on mine tenderly. He held them there for a moment, caressing my face before pulling away. I sighed, letting him in and shutting the door.

"So what do we need to discuss? You seemed pretty nervous on the phone." Vic noted, and I nodded, taking a seat beside him on the couch. 

"Yeah well, I-um... Have some news." The smile on Vic's face fell. "It's not bad. Well, it sort of is... I don't know how to start." I admitted sheepishly.

"I'm listening; Don't worry." Vic said, comforting me a little.

"Okay so, I've been thinking about you and I for awhile now. It's been what, a month? I know that's not a long time, but I've known you for awhile before we started dating and I just feel like we're-"

"Kellin." Vic interrupted, holding out his hands to me. I looked at them before placing my quivering hands into his. Vic rubbed his thumbs over my knuckles affectionately. I calmed down yet again.

"I love you." I blurted out. So much for planning. "Sorry, I just couldn't contain it any longer." I admitted. I expected Vic to pull his hands away or scoot away, but he didn't. Vic's eyes seemed to search  for something in mine, but I'm not sure what for. With a chuckle, Vic leaned in a kissed me affectionately, biting my bottom lip softly. He's such a good kisser. I got more and more into the kiss before I remembered that was only half of the story for today. I leaned away as Vic gave me a puzzled look. "There's more."

"Before you say anything else; I love you too. I've known I've been in love with you for a couple of weeks, but I didn't know how to explain." A smiled crept onto my lips again. 

"Okay, this is the hard part for me. I have something I've been keeping from you." I explained and before Vic could question me, I stood up and hurried into my room, retrieving The Story Of Us from it's rightful place on the shelf. I went back and took a seat beside Vic, who eyes the book cautiously. My hands traced the shapes on the front page, much like I had the first time I found it. Vic's eyes met mine once more before I started to flip to the page his photo was on. I had it memorized, considering I like to look back on it occasionally for reassurance. "This is you obviously, this is how I discovered who you were." I noted, shutting the book. Vic nodded slowly. "Here's the hard part; This book was on my bookshelf back at home in Oregon. I noticed it the day of leaving and threw it in a bag to take with me here to keep. At first I thought it was a family scrapbook or a gift I never remembered. Then I started reading inside. Inside holds my entire life story. I know I sound crazy, you're probably going to think I'm out of my fucking mind... But it's true." There, it was out in open air. Vic's mouth was open ajar, but no words were coming out.

"Um." Vic said, and for once I could tell he had no clue what to say. "Kellin, are you sure?"

"I'm sure Vic, I don't know who wrote this book though. The book fell open one day and that's when I saw you. It said you were going to be my friend and then my boyfriend. That's why I was so reluctant to befriend you. I didn't want a book to rule my life, but I gave in. I fell in love with you." Vic shook his head, looking at me from the book.

"Kellin if this is a joke I-"

"It's not, Please just take my word for it. Please don't think I'm crazy." I begged as Vic stood up. He's obviously not taking it very well. Then again, I wouldn't either.

"That's impossible." Vic noted, brewing to more himself than to me. I shook my head.

"Not impossible; Deranged."

"That too." Vic stopped pacing and looked at me, frowning a little. "I... I don't know what to say. Hell I don't know what to think. Why did you never tell me?" He whispered. A pain of regret shot right through my heart.

"I was scared."

"You still should have told me!" Vic raised his voice a little. Tears stung in my eyes, so I looked down at my feet and let a few fall. 

"I'm sorry. Was all I could say to him. Everything else was too painful to explain. A long strand of silence filled the apartment. 

"I need to think." Vic whispered before walking towards the door. I felt his eyes lingering on me, so I looked up to catch his gaze which he looked away from almost immediately. I watched as Vic opened the door before walking out of it, shutting it soundlessly. A frown appeared on my lips as more and more tears stung and fell from my eyes. The agony was adequate to see him just leave. In the end, I think this secret was hurting me more than it was hurting him.

---- -

Side photo is the beanie and hairstyle I pictured Vic with in the chapter fyi. Also, happy Valentines Day(:

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