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"Kellin don't walk away from me, please." I begged, trying to get Kellin from walking the opposite way. 

"I'm gonna be late!" Kellin yelled at me in frustration, tearing my grip from his arm. A frown appeared on my lips as I stepped back and watched Kellin hurry off towards campus. I was planning on meeting him today, but we bumped into each other beforehand and, well, he's mad. Really mad. A pain of regret hit my chest. We needed to talk, but he wasn't open to do so.

With a sigh, I turned around and headed to my graphics class which would be starting any minute. When I got into class, I took a seat in the back and laid my head down on the desk. I groaned and bashed my head lightly on the table several times before a recognizable face took a seat beside me and quirked his eyebrows at me. I didn't know his name though.

"You okay?" He questioned with a chuckle. I nodded solemnly, resting my head on my arm before the bell rung and the professor hurried in, stacks of papers piled in his arms. With a sly smile, he started to hand out the packets without any words. I scanned the assignment thoughtfully, another groan escaping my lips when I realized we were going to have to design our own T-shirt. It wasn't that I hated making styles, because that's my favorite thing to do, but I was hoping for more than just a plain T-shirt. "It's not that bad." The guy next to me spoke again with a scoff.

"I realize that, genius..." I muttered irritably. I watched as he clenched his jaw, seeming to try and control his temper. "Sorry... It hasn't been a good day so far." I apologized. All he did was nod before our professor started to explain the project that I must've done at least seventeen times. If anything, they should start letting us do sweaters and table mats.

At the end of class, I didn't hesitate to get the hell out of there and go look for Kellin again. I knew where his class was, so I rushed down to the building and waited outside until his familiar face appeared once again. Kellin locked his gaze with mine before rolling his eyes and trying to get down the stairs before I could stop him. He was too slow though, and I soon found myself latching onto his wrists.


"We're going to talk." I demanded, pulling him with me. Kellin tried to yank away, but my grip was firm and I wasn't going to let go anytime soon. 

"I don't want to." Kellin protested.

"I don't care." I mumbled, and that shut him up. He quit refusing immediately, but didn't bother to walk beside me. I led him off of campus down the path into the woods. 

"Vic we shouldn't be here." Kellin whispered in a panicked tone.


"I heard something about that girl and how she was charged with crime incidents, and who knows if she's loose."

"It's fine." I mumbled, but Kellin's facial expression didn't falter. "We just need to talk about this right now."

"...I know." He mumbled before taking a seat in the grass. 

"How do you feel?"

"I feel pissed off and I feel used to a certain extent."

"I wasn't trying to use you." 

"Well that's what it felt like. One second I get a little too intimate with you and you skip straight to sex."

"I didn't realize you didn't want to do anything. You did give off a certain vibe."

"Okay I realize that, but that's not even it." Kellin defended harshly. "It's the fact that when I rejected you, you didn't even bother to fix it. You let me leave, and then you went out and partied with Mike and Tony without even apologizing."

"I'm sorry I-"

"How can I actually believe that?"

"I wouldn't lie to you." I defended, a little surprised he'd not trust me. Kellin was quiet for several minutes, obviously thinking.

"I-" He began, but stopped. "How is this going to work?" He questioned softly. No bitterness was found in his voice, but more so sadness.

"How is what going to work?"

"You and I." Kellin responded. A stabbing feeling hit my chest. "We argue and fight so much anymore, I don't know what to do."

"We can't just give up."

"I'm not giving up." Kellin responded hastily. "I just need time..."



"How long?" I questioned, my voice cracking. 

"I don't know yet."

"So what about me?" I whispered. I watched as Kellin shook his head and seemed to be choking for the words to say. "Are we over?"

"I don't know." He said again, but the way his voice faltered told me exactly what he was saying. He was saying yes, but trying to spare my feelings.

"If you're trying to spare my feelings, don't worry." I breathed. "You're already hurting them." I added on before I stood up.


"Please don't say anything else unless it's I love you or I want to be with you." I interrupted, turning to face him again. Kellin looked away from me. My eyes started to sting, so I didn't hesitate to turn around and hurry away from Kellin. Part of me truly believed he would stop me and apologize, and fix everything.

But he didn't.

I went home immediately, not caring about any of my classes. I just wanted to be alone, but maybe that isn't a good idea. Everything feels worse when you're alone, but I didn't want to face anyone. Instead, I pulled out my guitar and plugged it into my amplifier, beginning to practice a familiar riff I had been creating over the past several weeks. Music always seems to clear my head, and immediately, everything felt just a little bit better. Not even guitar was helping though.

I don't know how many calls I got from the main office with complaints of me missing class. I lied and said I didn't feel good, only then returned with how I needed to call in and mark as absent. Multiple times I bit my tongue to keep from back talking. The last thing I needed write now was something shitty on my resume.

Mike came home that evening with a questioning look on his face. I glared at him, turning back to the TV I had been staring at for several hours.

"Where have you been all day?" He questioned, digging through the fridge.

"Here." I answered simply.


"I don't feel good."

"Bullshit, you were fine this morning." Mike argued, taking a seat beside me. I scooted away a little bit. "Explain yourself."

"I don't want to talk right now." I complained.

"Well you need to." Mike challenged.

"Fine." I replied just to shut him up. "Kellin and I broke up." Mike seemed really confused and a little bit annoyed.

"Why?" He snapped.

"I don't know!" I lied. "We got into a fight and I guess he felt really discouraged with our relationship and called it off."

"And what did you do?"

"I walked away." Mike clenched his jaw.

"You're an idiot." He mumbled irritably before getting off the couch and hurrying past me. I listened as Mike walked down the hall before hurrying into his room, the door slam shutting behind him. A sigh escaped my lips before I looked back at the TV and drowned myself in the show instead of common sense.

--- -

Wattpad is being really glitchy so sorry I had to republish this to those who already read it!

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