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I did exactly what I told myself not to do; Read ahead in the book. I couldn't help myself, this story was a drug and I was the addict. It was late as well, so my mind wasn't really focusing in. Every second haunted me, and I couldn't quite tell if I was liking it so far. It was weird to know what was going to happen to me tomorrow.

Tomorrow I was going to confront Vic again. I'm going to take my classes and try my best to not go into the woods in dire search for Willow. 

Reading the future was a mix of good and bad. It's interesting to know something before it's even happening, but then again it spoils everything. I don't know how I want to handle this in all honesty. Maybe I'll limit myself, or maybe I'll take advantage of this opportunity and deal with the consequences later.

--- -

The day fled by and I soon found myself waking up into a whole new week. Like usual, I got up and around before locking up the apartment. Tony always leaves a little earlier than I do.

The walk to class seemed to take forever, but then again when didn't it? Everything seems to take forever now days. Eventually, I trudged through the doors of my visual communications class, taking a seat in my usual spot. I noticed Vic chatting with a couple other kids before he turned to me. With one smile, he said goodbye to his friends and came over to sit by me. Yes, I still didn't feel great about him being here, but I guess I'll have to deal with it.

"Do you just appear in this class?" He asked me with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. I smiled, and for once I didn't try to fight it off.

"Oh yes, I'm very magical." I replied, doubling the sarcasm. Vic noticed before chuckling and shaking his head. 

"Funny, you're very funny." I heard him mutter before we got our notebooks and class began. I kept getting sidetracked from the lesson by Vic though. It wasn't because he was distracting me verbally or physically. It was just a nagging thought in the back of my head. I don't why it was getting to me today. Vic was just so different, and nice. I've been trying to block him out from gaining any sort of attraction towards me, but now I think the tables have turned. I was too busy focusing on making him dislike me that I let myself begin to like him. And let me tell you one thing, crushes are literally the most painful thing ever. You can't just not like somebody. I huffed before trying to focus back in on the class. 

My eyes focused on the board for maybe five minutes before I'd find myself looking over at Vic who looked completely zoned in on the lesson. Just by the way he was staring straight ahead, biting his lip while flicking his pen in between his index finger and thumb. Why the fuck am I noticing all of this? Once again, I looked back to the board. For once, I was successful at not getting sidetracked again.

The bell rung a half hour later, so I shoved everything in my bag before standing up. Vic looked at me while putting some of his stuff away. I stood there awkwardly. i didn't know if he wanted to walk out together or not. Then I realized how weird that sounded, so I spun around to go to the door. But something stopped me. The girl who Vic sat beside awhile back was walking towards me, scowling. She didn't stop me though, she walked right passed me towards Vic before sitting in my vacant seat. 

I'm never going to sit there again.

"Hey Vic." I heard her say as I leaned against the wall casually. Vic looked up again and flashed her an award winning smile.

"Hey Danielle." Danielle? "What's up?"

"I was wondering if you'd wanna go out tonight. I don't care where, I was just curious." She talked swiftly, batting her eyelashes. A knot formed in my stomach as I saw Vic nod. I knew what the knot was, and as much as I told myself it didn't matter, I couldn't help but to be jealous. Mike was wrong. The book was wrong. Vic isn't gay.

Danielle and Vic talked for awhile longer, and I couldn't bear to stand there any longer. It's not like he was paying attention to me anyways. Swiftly, I clutched my bag before storming out of the room, not taking a look back. I walked down the stairs and stormed passed a few people, brewing to myself.

"Kellin?" I heard Vic's voice from behind me. Why did he have to follow me? "Kellin?" He repeated, spinning me around. I huffed.

"Mhm?" I questioned with an air of annoyance. Vic frowned.

"What's wrong?" He asked me calmly. I shook my head. I couldn't tell him anything, he'd think I was crazy. Hell, maybe I am crazy.

"Nothing." I said, but it I knew there was a slim chance he'd take that as an answer. I started towards the door again, Vic at my heels. He followed me in silence all the way back to my apartment. "Why are you following me?" I finally let loose, spinning towards him. Vic frowned again.

"Because something is bothering you and I want to know what it is." God he's so persistent.

"I'm fine, just... Go home, leave. Have fun on your date." I muttered irritably. Shit, fuck, I said that? Vic raised his eyebrows at me, so I bolted for my room. I ran as fast as I could, but fuck Vic's reflexes are fast and he's fast as well. Vic blocked me off, pressing his back against my door. I almost ran into him. 

"That's what's bothering you?" He questioned after I recovered from the almost collision.

"No." I lied again, gritting my teeth.

"Why are you so sarcastic? What's wrong with me going on a date?" How was I supposed to answer that.

"No, it's fine. I wasn't trying to be sarcastic." Vic wasn't taking that as an answer. Again, I tried to get my hand on the door knob before he could react, but it was no use. Vic grabbed my wrist and then the other, spinning around so I was pinned against the door. His grip was firm, causing me to cringe is discomfort.

"Let go." I ordered, but Vic wasn't listening. Fuck him. A small smile appeared on his lips.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" Vic finally got it. I sighed in defeat. I couldn't lie out of this. "Oh my god, really?" He jumped back and laughed. "You're gay?"

"Yeah." I muttered, opening my door. Vic kept it open as I tried to shut it in his face. "Go away." I pleaded, but the honest truth was that I loved having him here. God damn my feelings, I'm conflicted.

"I'm not judging, don't worry." He replied, but that wasn't what I wanted to hear. "If it makes it any better, I'll take you on a date any day Kells." Vic added on, but I knew it was just a joke. I didn't want a joke.

"I don't want to go on a date with you." It wasn't a total lie. I didn't want to get my hopes up. I didn't want the book to be right. I sat down on the bed as did Vic, but before I knew it I was on the ground. He pushed me off?

"Lies." He said with a smirk. Hastily, I sat up and grabbed his ankles, pulling him off the bed. He fell down beside me, smiling at me when he realized I never got up. His gaze locked with mine, and no matter how much I wanted to look away, I couldn't. His brown eyes were intriguing. My breathing hitched. What was I doing? What was he doing?

--- -


I looked away from Kellin's gaze after a few moments of silence. It was hard to look away from those pretty blue eyes of his, but it was becoming too awkward for me to handle. What the fuck am I thinking? Hastily, I got back on my feet before scurrying to the door.

"I better get going." I concluded with a wave before I dashed out of the apartment complex. What the fuck did I just do? Kellin consumed my thoughts. Was that a moment? Did he like me?

Oh fuck, did I like him? What are you thinking Vic; You aren't gay. You have a date tonight with Danielle, think about that. Instead my mind was clotted with the conversation Kellin and I just had. When I first told Kellin I'd take him on date, I was just kidding.

Now I'm not so sure.

--- -

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