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"Do you want to know what I just realized?" I mumbled against Vic's lips. He pulled away reluctantly, gazing into my eyes.

"What's that?"

"You never did come over and look at the book anymore." Vic frowned at the mention of the book. I couldn't ignore it though. 

"Yeah, true. Are you free right now?"

"No, that's totally why I'm here with you." I replied sarcastically, kissing Vic again instead of letting him respond. Vic rolled his eyes, pushing me off of him before helping me to my feet. We walked in silence back to the apartment which was now empty. Tony ran off somewhere, but I didn't care either way. Vic followed me into my room and sat on the bed while I dug around on the shelf and pulled out The Story Of Us.

"So what do I expect?" Vic asked with a smile, turning to the first page.

"You can't expect anything; It's impossible." I retaliated. Vic skimmed the page, cringing every now and then.

"Talk about descriptive." Vic joked. I blushed at the thought of him reading about me being born. Then again, we're all born so it's not a very big deal. "Okay, no, I can't." Vic said, faking a gag before handing me the book.

"Very funny."

"How much have you read?" He asked. My cheeks heated up. We hadn't talked about that.

"...A lot." I admitted.

"So what's happening where you're at." I shook my head, thinking about it for a moment. "Wait... You aren't in the future are you?" Once again I kept quiet, glancing at everything but him. "Kellin you shouldn't-"

"I know I shouldn't, I just couldn't help myself." I admitted sheepishly, looking back at his stern gaze.

"Don't read anymore, please. Something bad is bound to happen and it'll just freak you out."

"No it won't." I defended. "I'll be ready for whatever it is beforehand. That's a good thing."

"Mhm." Vic said like he didn't believe me. That's because he didn't. "Just... Please don't read anymore, promise?" I sighed.

"Promise." I breathed, looking away from him again.

"Good." Vic noted, leaning in a kissing my cheek before looking around the room. "What should we do?"

"Um, nothing." I answered truthfully. I wanted to do nothing but lay with him. So much has been going on; I just wanted some time with nothing on our minds except for one another. With a sigh, I collapsed back onto the bed. Vic smiled before crawling on top of me. His body weight didn't bother me though. He just laid there with me in the utter silence. I'm not going to lie, it felt pretty good having him so close to me. Vic pushed up a little, catching my gaze before his flicked to my lips. My breathing hitched as he leaned down, pressing our lips together softly. His touch was everywhere on my body, making everything feel much more intense. I bit his bottom lip softly, gaining entrance before I felt his tongue slide into my mouth. Vic leaned down more, making me gasp softly before pulling out of the kiss.

"What?" Vic asked, a concerned look on his face.

"Nothing u-um... Can you g-get off of me?" I asked nervously, my face heating up from embarrassment. Vic quirked his eyebrows at me before getting off of me. 

"So you aren't going to..." Vic began but trailed off as his eyes raked my body. I blushed as Vic smirked at me. "Oh, I see."

"Oh shut up." I snapped irritably, pulling a pillow to my chest.

"Nothing wrong with it, but it's nice to know I can turn you on." Vic said innocently, stealing another kiss before I could scoff. The thought of his lips all over me sent butterflies through my stomach. His touch always seems to do that, doesn't it? Vic pulled away again, smiling before getting off the bed. "Should we do something? We could watch TV."

"I don't feel like going out, so yeah watching TV sounds fine." I reciprocated before following him into the living room. I got water as Vic turned on the TV and flicked through the channels, settling on one as I came over and grabbed a pillow. Vic smiled at me as I placed the pillow beside him, resting my head on it. I felt Vic's fingers run through my hair soothingly. I was perfectly content with this situation. It was sweet.

I lost track of how long we just sat there watching TV in silence as Vic rubbed my arms and cuddled against me a little.  

"I should go." Vic noted at the end of a show around seven.

"Are you sure?" I questioned as the door opened and Tony walked in. I watched as Vic's gaze drifted from me to Tony. He was biting his tongue; I knew it. Slowly, I sat up and made Vic face me again before pressing my lips on his, deepening the kiss on which distracted Vic. He kissed back a little reluctantly before I pulled away and gave him a look, telling him not to say anything. He nodded before getting off the couch.

"Oh, hey guys." Tony said when entering the living room. He must've not noticed us. 

"Hi." Vic and I said in unison before Vic glanced around the room. 

"I gotta get going, I'll see you later babe." Vic added on hastily, pecking my lips. Once again, butterflies were sent through my stomach at the pet name. Babe... I could get used to that.

"Bye." I replied, watching him walk out the door soundlessly. With a sigh, I sat back down on the couch, the empty spot beside me being filled with Tony instead.

"So you two seemed content." He noted with an innocent smile.

"Yeah." Was all I said.

"So everything is okay?" 


"Are you sure?"

"Are you worried about us?" I shot back playfully. Tony rolled his eyes.

"No, I just didn't know if everything would get back to normal so quickly. You proved me wrong though."

"Good." I said with a smirk. 

"So tell me, awhile back you seemed upset and so did he when I saw him. Then you left one day, came back, and everything was fine." I thought it over.

"Oh..." I mumbled. Might as well tell him, because everyone knows but him. "We had an argument."

"Can I ask what about?" Tony questioned. I could've said no, but I felt he was obligated to know.

"It was because I knew Vic before we met to be honest. Before I left home there was this book I didn't recognize. It turns out the book holds my entire life story. Nobody believed me, not even Vic. Somehow though I got him to understand. It was a little scary; I thought I was going to lose him." Tony smiled.

"Okay." Was all he said.

"Okay? You believe me?" I asked, astonishment written on my face.

"Well yeah, I wouldn't doubt you." Tony responded, looking back at the TV.

"Wow, um- okay. Can I ask you a question?"


"Where did you disappear to for a couple of days during that entire time period?" 

"Yeah, um... I went to go visit some family." Tony replied quietly. He seemed a little off about the subject, so I dropped it immediately, not wanting to pressure him. 

"Okay." I said simply, turning back to TV for the most part of the remaining night in front of me.

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