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I don't know what was bugging Vic, but I could sense something was. He never ignored me, and he never was snarky, but something about Vic was just missing. That perk he always had was gone. Was it Danielle? No, it couldn't be. He said he had a great time with her, maybe he was lying. 

It was my turn to be concerned. But right now I couldn't do anything.

"Hey Tony, where's Mike?" I asked once entering the living room. Surprising enough, Mike wasn't here.

"He still doesn't have his license and Vic didn't want to bring him over." I frowned. If he didn't want to bring Mike over then that meant he probably didn't want to see me. What did I do? With a huff, I thought over what I could do. What could I do? Then it clicked.

"What's their address?" I asked Tony hopefully. Tony quirked his eyebrows, but soon enough got some paper and a pen before jotting down an address. Funny, he didn't even question me. Hastily, I slipped on my coat and scurried out the door.

It was cold and dim out, but I huddled in the coat to keep warm. I then pulled out my phone and turned on the GPS, letting it lead me to the other side of town. They were off campus. Why were they so far away?

About fifteen minutes, I was outside of their one storied house. It was pretty basic, nothing special. I walked up the porch and knocked on the wooden door without a seconds hesitation. If I hesitated, I'd chicken out. I heard footsteps for a few seconds, before the door flew open and Mike stood there.

"Kellin?" He questioned.

"Yeah, hey, can I come in?" I asked awkwardly, but sure enough Mike opened the door wider and let me slip inside. The TV was on in the living room, but Vic wasn't there. I huffed before taking off my shoes, following Mike into the kitchen. Vic wasn't there either.

"Looking for someone?" He questioned me while popping the cap off of a bottle, pressing it to his lips. My cheeks flushed their color before shining red. Mike chuckled. "He's down the hall, you'll hear him." I quirked my eyebrows in confusion before nodding and wandering into the hall. It was deadly silent, so timidly I pressed my ear against a few of the doors. Nothing. I moved farther down the hall. Eventually, silence wasn't the only thing I was hearing. I heard a quiet melody which was becoming louder every second. What was that?

I closed my eyes and focused in on the sounds again. It was a guitar. He plays guitar? I couldn't just barge in their now! I huffed before stepping back. The plucks became louder, loud enough for me to hear from across the house. A smile crept onto my lips. Eventually, I went back to the door and knocked on it quietly. The guitar plucking stopped. Everything went silent.

"Mike?" I heard Vic say, so I took it as an okay to open the door. I turned the knob and stepped inside, locking eyes with Vic immediately. "Oh." He said once noting it was me. Vic stood up and placed the guitar on it's stand before walking over to his desk, messing around with items sitting upon it.

"You play the guitar well." I complimented as I started. Vic didn't look back at me.

"Thanks." He replied softly.

"Okay, what is your problem?" I asked a little louder, slamming the open door shut. Vic jumped at the sound. 

"Nothing." He replied before moving to his bed, which he collapsed on. I walked over to him, grabbing his wrists and yanking him up so he was sitting.

"Are you mad at me? What did I do?" I shouted. He shook his head, still refusing to look me in the eyes. "Please, please tell me what I did." I begged. I hated feeling as if I was hated. 

"I'm not mad." He began, and I was hoping he'd say more. Unfortunately, he stayed quiet. 

"Then what is it?" I persisted. Vic sighed as I sat across from him on the bed. 

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