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"According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be a 13% increase demand for graphic designers over the next few years." One of my professors explained to all of us, but I was beginning to zone out. This was one of my least favorite classes because who really cares about the market? I know graphic designers are an important on the market, but I'm really only here for art, not a career. 

I looked around the room at everyone who actually seemed to be paying attention. With a huff, I turned back to the board and tuned in again, only to tune out five minutes later. It was a continual switch of a flick as my mind focused and then unfocused. Eventually, I gave up and let my mind wander. I thought about Vic for awhile. He said he took this class one time, and that he was good at it and he liked it. That makes me wonder if he was naturally good at it or he paid attention because it was a necessity. I know his and I's goals are different; Or I would assume so. Like I said before, I was here to learn about art, but Vic was here for art and for a career most likely. 

When class was over, I hurried out of the building so I could get a good spot in my next class which is also the largest. If I'm even remotely late, I get thrown into the back and I can't see anything the teacher is doing. 

I walked down the sidewalk towards the tall building which was also one of my favorite buildings. I looked around as students passed me. My gaze locked with those brown eyes that I love, and I watched as Vic smiled at me and waved from across the street. I waved back, wanting to walk over to him and kiss him, but I couldn't. With a sigh, I looked away and hurried off towards my class. I didn't bother to look back to Vic, but I'm sure he'd understand. I rushed into the building shortly after, running up the stairs before entering the classroom which was almost completely empty.

"Thank God." I breathed, taking a seat on the left side of the class up front. The teacher wasn't even in here yet either. I unpacked my bag as the doors opened and more students crowded in around me. The bell rung and our teacher, Ms. Cecil, walked in hurriedly. She smiled at everyone, but I have a feeling it was fake. She's never been overly friendly, I just like the class because it talks about sketching a lot. 

"Good afternoon, everyone take your seats." She ordered and everyone obliged. "I'm behind on some papers today, so I want you guys to start a project. Go to a friend or someone you know and sketch a portrait of them. It's due next week, and for the rest of this class you can finish up those papers I assigned you Tuesday. I know you wouldn't have finished them." Ms. Cecil said, rolling her eyes. I nodded at her. She was right; I didn't finish the papers. With a sly smile, I pulled out my papers and examined them, answering them carefully. It took the entire class to finish the packets, but I found myself handing it to her seconds before the bell rung and I hurried out of the building. I was free for today, though I had a nagging feeling in the back of my head.

I pulled out my phone and called Vic who answered pretty quickly.

"Hey." Vic said once picking up.

"Hey, where are you?" 

"My place, why?"

"I got assigned a project to sketch a portrait of a friend and I wanted to know if I could draw you." I explained, my cheeks going red. Vic chuckled on the other side of the phone.

"Sure, but if you aren't over here in fifteen minutes I'm going to say no." Vic challenged.

"Okay." Was all I said before slinging my bag over my shoulder and hurrying down the sidewalks towards Vic's. I ran for the most part, but I managed to get there in ten minutes top. I was out of breath as I knocked on the door which Vic opened with a smile. I scoffed at him, walking past him to the couch which I collapsed on.

"Fast." Was all Vic said, taking a seat beside me. 

"You bet your ass." I noted a little irritably, but soon the irritation was gone when Vic leaned in and kissed me softly. The kiss got more heated, so I grabbed Vic's hands and pushed him away. "Not now, I need to draw you."

"You got this assigned today?" Vic questioned. I nodded in response. "You have enough time, why now?"

"Just want to get it done." I replied simply, digging around in my bag until I found a few pencils and pens along with my sketchbook. I flipped to an empty white sheet, locking my eyes with Vic's. He smiled cheekily. "Pose." I ordered.


"Something natural, and don't smile because your face will hurt." Vic rolled his eyes, pursing his lips and squinting at me. "Not like that." I objected with a scoff. "Just stare."

"So be it." Vic said, shifting around on the couch before leaning closer to me and staring right at me. I nodded at him thoughtfully, my mind bursting with so many ideas. I got to work, sketching his outline before working on his nose. I made my way to sketching his ears and hair before going back to his eyes. I looked up from the grey scaled sketch to meet his brown eyes mere inches away. "Are you almost done?" Vic questioned several hours later. I had done almost everything except for his lips. 

"Almost." I replied, picking up another pencil and glancing down at Vic's lips. I guess I've never really looked at him like this before. I examined the lines on his lips, biting my lip softly before continuing to sketch. Lips were the hardest to sketch for me, so it took me several times and several glances to begin to perfect the drawing. 

"You've been looking at my lips for a long time." Vic noted with a smile as I looked from my drawing to his eyes.

"I suck at drawing lips." I explained nonchalantly.

"I doubt that." Vic testified.

"No really, look." I replied, turning the sketch around for him to examine. Vic smiled widely at me, his eyes flicking between the sketch and myself.

"No, that's amazing. This entire portrait is amazing." I blushed, shaking my head a little.

"Shut up, I need to finish drawing your lips." I replied with a chuckle as Vic fell into the same expression as before. 

I continued to draw for several minutes before I got frustrated and felt like giving up and leaving it as it was. With a sigh, I looked back up at Vic who was now biting his lip. I love it when he bites his lip, it's really cute. Images flooded my mind of all the times I watched him bite his lip. I thought about the way he always flicked his gaze to my lips before kissing me, and I always did the same. My breathing hitched at the mere thought of it all.

"Kiss me." I demanded, looking up at Vic's confused gaze.

"I thought-"

"Kiss me." I repeated, being more demanding. Vic smiled before leaning in, crashing his lips on mine as anything but softly. I kissed back quickly, placing my supplies on the ground next to me. I wrapped my arms around Vic's neck, pulling him closer to me. I felt Vic's hands wander on my back before he picked me up and set me on his lap. I straddled him playfully, pulling away and brushing our noses together. 

"Why'd you kiss me?" Vic questioned. 

"I looked at your lips for too long." Was all I said before kissing him again, trailing my lips down his neck. Vic groaned softly. I smiled, pulling away and pushing him on his back. Vic smiled slyly, capturing my bottom lip and sucking on it softly. Vic took control, pushing me off of him before crawling on top of me, kissing my neck. He'd leave a hickey, but I didn't mind. 

Vic pushed against me gently, rolling his hips into mine. I took in a deep breath, focusing in on how good he felt pressed against me. Then realization took over and I found myself stiffening up. Awkwardly, I pushed Vic off of me and scrambled up from the couch.

"We should stop." I noted. Fortunately I didn't have a hard on in my pants right now. Vic's eyes locked with mine with a sense of desperation before he shook his head.


"I should go home now." 

"Okay." He repeated. I nodded, placing my sketchbook and pencils in my bag before hurrying out the front door back towards my apartment.

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