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I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas!!!

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My weekend was inevitably the worse weekend of my life. My whole goal here was to keep my mind of Vic, but ever since he left my room, guilt and Vic were the only things I could focus on. I felt bad that I was mean, but another part of me said that it's good we aren't hanging out. Why would he want to hang out with me anyways? I'm nothing special.

With a sigh, I opened the creaky door, leaving the cool Monday morning air behind. Warmth spread over my body as the heater kicked in. I headed up the staircase and down the hall to my class. Vic was in here, and I didn't know how to feel about it. We hadn't talked since the weekend. I opened the door slowly before hurrying to my usual spot and pulling out my sketchbook. I buried my face into the sketchbook, desperate to be invisible, but I knew it was no use. I could not escape my body and my mind could not escape my thoughts.

I looked up before landed upon Vic who sat on the other side of the room beside a girl. They were chatting and getting along with one another. I didn't like that. Why? Maybe the book's wrong, maybe Vic's not even gay. I couldn't help to dislike her from the beginning though. Just the way she batted her eyelids and twisted her hair; It was annoying. Her crush on him was as obvious as my gayness was. Funny isn't it? 

I went back to my sketchbook because there was no way in hell I was going to walk across the class just to talk to him. I'm lazy as it is, and class is about to start. I'd have to talk to him another time. Who am I kidding? I didn't know if I even did want to talk. Me being me, I can deny it all I want, but in the end I know I'm going to apologize. I'm just a goody goody and can't deal with regret or guilt that terrible much. 

The class started as usual, except I sat beside a vacant seat. It felt different being alone. No one else even bothered to try and befriend me, which was fine. I don't complain about being alone, in fact I like it. Mrs. Treveno talked to us about basics as usual. How eye contact in speeches and demonstrations are very important. This classed seemed to be more of a science class rather than an actual art class. And as I've said before, science isn't my favorite subject. At least I'm trying this year, in high school I did not give one actual fuck. 

She spoke for what seemed an eternity until we were assigned homework, and I was just trying to get it done before the bell rung. Unfortunately, I'm not very good with long speeches and a short amount of time for work. So in other words, I got maybe four questions answered before we were dismissed. Everyone stood from their seats before stuffing their items in their bags before scurrying out of the door. I would usually do the same thing, but I actually needed to talk to someone. And by someone I mean Vic Fuentes.

I probably looked awkward as fuck, but that didn't stop me from going over to him while he was packing up. The preppy girl or whatever you want to call her left earlier, so I didn't have to worry about catching her eye. It was blatantly obvious that if I didn't like her, then she wasn't going to like me. 

"Hi." I spoke first for once, but the word came out more meek than intended. Vic looked up but didn't reply. Good start. "U-Um about last weekend-"

"It's fine. I get it." Vic interrupted before slinging his bag over his shoulder. "I mean I don't understand why you had to act so immature and tetchy about it, but whatever." He added on. 

"Immature?" I recited, trying to decide if that was a proper word to use against me. "I was not so ever immature. Did I stomp around and bawl whenever you came around?"

"Your definition of my vocabulary is absolutely horrifying." Vic shot back , provoking me even more.

"You know what? Never mind, I'm not going to stand here and argue with you. I'm going to do the mature thing and leave. Forget I was going to apologize!" I yelled at him before starting towards the door. 

"Apologize? That wasn't much of an apology." Vic said behind me.

"I wasn't there yet." I replied against my will. "I was going to say I'm sorry for being rude. I didn't want you to be mad at me." I admitted, softer now. Vic walked beside me. I wasn't sure if I wanted him to walk past me though. Hell, here we are. I haven't known him more than a week and we've already gotten into two fights. This book must be literally from an idiot if they believe that Vic and I are supposed to be together. 

"Oh..." Was all Vic said as I started out the door, him following short behind. I sighed before heading down a sidewalk which would hopefully lead me far, far away from him. "Kellin, wait!" I heard Vic holler, but I wasn't listening. There was a hand that spun me around though. "I'm sorry too. I shuldn't have freaked out on you in there." He explained. I could tell he was being sincere, but I was still highly agitated about the whole ordeal.

"Why do you even care?" I blurted out.

"What? Care about what?" I went too far this time. I was talking about feelings with the guy I was trying to block out feelings for.

"Why do you care if we're friends or not?" I continued, realizing there was no way to avoid the topic. Vic seemed to ponder the question before he began to speak again.

"I don't know... You're different from everyone else around here. I can tell you're really passionate about art and even though I don't know much about you... I was kind of hoping to. I mean, I don't know it was just a thought a-and... Yeah." He spoke clearly for the most part until the end when he stumbled on his words.

"Oh." It was my turn to recite the word he previously said. There was nothing else for me to say anyways.  "Well, I gotta go." I lied. I had another two hours until my next class, but I wanted no more than to get away from Vic right now.

"Okay, bye." He said, and I could tell he saw through my lies. He knew I didn't have another class, but he certainly wasn't going to stand around and argue with me either. With a sigh I watched him turn around and walk away from me. I had no clue if he had another class, but it would make since. He walked towards the taller buildings which I knew had art classes within. 

It was my turn to walk, but where I was not sure. I could go home, or I could wander around and hope that I don't get lost. My eyes gazed upon the sidewalk in front of me. I continued the way I was going to go in the first place. It led farther away from the buildings, but I didn't mind that at all. I went down the hill that winded around a lot until I hit nothing but trees and a field overgrown in weeds and poison. The sidewalk continued through the trees. I bit down on my lip before letting my feet lead me into the gloomy woods. 

The path was covered, but I knew it was there. That's all that mattered. My body was cold, but I didn't care. I was curious, that's all I was thinking about. The trees started to die out as before I knew it was in a field. Or maybe it was a meadow. A meadow of dead plants and weeds, surrounded by dead bushes and trees. A couch was close. You could tell it had been there for awhile. The way the dirt was blended perfectly into the pastel blue material. The way tree leaves were stuck in between the cracks, and weeds tied around the sides. This was a couch I would never touch. Why was it here?

My thoughts subsided when I felt a excruciating pain in the back of my head. Everything I was seeing was no longer dead plants, weeds, bushes, and trees. There was no pastel blue couch covered with dirt, leaves, and weeds. Everything was now perfectly, black.

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