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Hi, I have another announcement to make. That new story I was talking about is up!! It'd mean a lot if you guys would go give it some love and check it out, I really want it to be successful since it's somewhat of a personal story. Besides that, enjoy the chapter!

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Two weeks after the party, I started to notice that things were really starting to change, and not in a good way either. I remember in high school how the entire school year dragged on forever and then suddenly, everything just seemed to slow down and stop abruptly. You finished everything in one class, you finished another the next day. Gradually everything stopped, and that's exactly what's happening now. 

Half of my classes were done, considering I had one more week here. Seven days seems like a long time occasionally, but it's really not. Seven days to say goodbye and to get so much closure? Impossible. There was not a chance I was going to say goodbye so easily. 

After finishing my final exam on Friday, I hurried back home where Tony was waiting. 

"Hey." Tony greeted me a little solemnly. Ever since he found out I was leaving his tone has been like that.  

"Hey." I replied in almost the exact same tone. Nothing was fun about this. 

"I picked up some more boxes after class... I knew you were getting low." Tony explained, directing my attention to a stack of boxes against the wall. I smiled at him. 

"Thanks." I retaliated, moving past Tony to the boxes which I picked up and carried into my room. Silently, I tossed them onto the bed before turning around in my room. Everything was a mess. Bags full of books, boxes full of clothes, and anything else was scattered on the floor. With a huff, I grabbed another big box and sat down on the floor, beginning to fold clothes before placing them neatly in the box. I was getting really fast at this part, which was good because if I only had a week left, I wanted to spend it with my friends and Vic rather than packing. 

A knock on my door startled me, but the feeling numbed as I realized it was only Vic. Out of everyone, Vic looked like he was hurting the most. Tony looks sad; Vic looked depressed, and it hurt me knowing I was causing so much pain to not only him, but to everyone.  

"How's it going?" He questioned softly, taking a seat beside me before grabbing some clothes and folding them. I chuckled to myself. He was bad at folding. 

"Remind me if we see each other again to teach you the proper ways of folding clothes." I joked, but it was light heartened whatsoever. Vic sighed. 

"Trust me, this isn't the end of us." 

"C'mon Vic..." I finally replied. "I know you want this... us... to last, but we both know that after this week, this is over." I admitted. It's true, I was trying to let him try and fix all of this, but it wasn't working. It was time I finally admitted the truth. The look on Vic's face was heartbreaking. 

"Do you really feel like that?" He asked me. 

"I wish I didn't..." 

"I don't." 

"I'm aware." 

"Why do you think this is over?" 

"Because it's obvious it is!" I finally snapped. "Sorry, but you know I'm right. You're living in denial. Long distance isn't going to work, you aren't going to want to come to Oregon and I'll have no way to come back here." 

"What makes you think long distance isn't going to work?"

"It never does. If you're not with me... I-It's not the same..." I whispered, my voice cracking. 

"I know Kells, but isn't it better than nothing?" Vic questioned. I kept quiet, which I knew was a bad thing. Vic's face dropped even more. 

"...I don't know." I responded in all honesty. Maybe if this ended on a good reason, it'd save the heartbreak. That's my biggest fear honestly, losing him on a bad cause. At least if I was leaving, there was no bad blood. 

"Well then, I think that clears things up." Was all Vic said, unfolding the shirt in his hands before flinging it across the room and getting up. 

"Vic-" I began, but was cut off by my bedroom door slamming shut. He left, just like that. Part of me really wanted to go after him, but I knew it'd do no could. He just needed to calm down a bit and we'd be okay. I refuse to leave on a bad note.  

Instead of going after Vic, I hung back and continued to pack away most of my belongings. The Story Of Us sat on the floor beside me. Silently, I grabbed it and flipped through the pages. I knew I was going home for sure, and I didn't read very much about Vic. I was right, but I didn't feel like I was for some reason.  

That evening, I stayed in with Tony to watch movies and talk. I think we were originally going to go out, but since Vic was mad, Tony and I both knew that was off the schedule for now.  

"How much packing do you have left?" Tony asked. 

"Not a whole lot, maybe a few more boxes. I'll have to notify the academy I won't be attending next year though." 

"This really sucks." 

"Yeah, I know." 

"So your mom just can't afford it?" 

"...Yeah, basically. I didn't work hard enough this year for them, so they weren't offering scholarships. I don't deserve to come back." 

"Don't talk like that; You know you're wrong. I know neither Mike and I got scholarships either, and we have the past couple of years. I think the school can't afford it anymore. It's not your fault, it's theirs." Tony explained, making me feel a little bit better about all of this. At least I didn't need to feel guilty. 

"Thanks." Was all I had to say before I turned my attention back to the movie we rented. Finally, that night, I heard my phone buzz which I didn't hesitate to answer. 

"Hey..." I breathed, taking a seat on the edge of my bed. 

"...Hi." Vic replied quietly. 

"I'm sorry." I retaliated. He deserved to know that I was sorry for being so hard on him. 

"It's okay, I understand what you're saying." 

"Yeah, but I don't want to leave on a bad foot, ya know? Like... I want us to be okay." 

"We're okay." Vic replied, his voice cracking like it had this morning. 

"It's killing me to hear you like this." I spoke in honesty.

"It's killing me too."

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