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It was arduous waiting for Vic to think things through. I haven't seen nor heard from him in over a week and it's starting to get to me. A week away from him most likely meant bad news. Vic is probably confused and upset, but I can't honestly blame him. His reactions are totally normal, but I'm hoping the outcome of this all is positive. 

Mike has come and gone occasionally as he usually does, just to see Tony mostly. It's surprising to me that they aren't a couple; They come off as one sometimes. What am I saying? I've asked Mike about it and he said Vic and him haven't really talked that much because he's always practicing, studying, or he's at school. A frown appeared on my lips. I didn't want him to isolate himself like I did. I tried for so long to hide from the secrets that book holds, but it eats you inside out and I couldn't take the animosity anymore. I had to accept what was within, and what was within that book was Vic Fuentes and I; Together. I get that much by now, but Vic isn't there yet. I'm hoping he'll just accept it all and move on. 

Is it too much to ask for that he can just forget the book existed? I wouldn't be lying because he'd know, but then it could just be history and we could get on with our lives, once again, together. Vic has possibly been the best thing in my life in a very long time; I don't want to give up on him quite yet. So I took action.

Without one word to Mike or Tony who were talking and hanging out watching TV, I walked out the front door before hurrying down the sidewalk and clear off campus until I landed at Vic's door. Approximately fifteen minutes had passed. I knocked on the door softly, which in return got me no answer. I knocked again a little harder. Once again, no answer. With a huff, I turned the door knob which was, to my dismay, unlocked. Slowly and soundlessly, I slipped inside, shutting the door behind me. I looked around at the vacant house before going down the hall where I heard the familiar riff on Vic's guitar. I couldn't help but to smile. 

It wasn't until I was right outside the door that I got distressed. What if he gets mad at me? What if he freaks out or breaks down? I didn't mentally prepare myself for this, but it's too late now. I opened the door which creaked quietly as I made my way in. Vic was facing the wall, headphones in while looking at his computer. I shut the door and cleared my throat. Vic continued to play the riff over and over again as I listened. How do I say hello?

Scratch that, I didn't need to. Vic spun around to check his amp and then he saw me. At first, I could tell he was frightened, but soon his expression went... monotone. I hate seeing him so emotionless. Unhurriedly, Vic removed his headphones and unplugged the guitar before looking back at me.

"I'm sorry." Was the first thing I said, but I don't know what I was really sorry about. I stood awkwardly by the door as Vic did nothing but gaze at me. 

"I don't hate you." Vic remarked. Well, there's a good start. "Come sit." I nodded, taking a seat on his bed. Part of me was hoping Vic would join me, but he didn't. He stayed in his chair beside the bed. I sighed deeply, playing with the bedding.

"I wish I would've told you." I whispered to him, meeting his gaze. I couldn't stand looking into his brown eyes; It just makes me feel even sadder, but I don't know why.

"I wish you would've too..." He replied with. I shook my head.

"I spent such a long time worrying about that book, Vic. I didn't want it to control my life, but then I realized... That book is my life. It's not controlling anything, it's just telling me what is going to happen. I love you so much and I don't want a book to come in between us." I admitted sheepishly, blushing a little after. Last time I told him I loved him things went so... wrong. Tears formed in my eyes at the thought of reading ahead and seeing Vic and I break up. I never want to read that.

"Please, please don't cry." Vic whispered, leaning forward a little. I shook my head as more tears fell. Vic got up and sat across from me, grabbing my hands. Immediately my body heated up just from his touch. "Listen, okay? I don't know how to feel about this right now, but I'm still in love with you. Don't worry." He whispered once catching my gaze. I nodded, but none of the anxiety went away. Vic sighed before pulling my into him, pressing my head against his chest. I felt him kiss my head, making more tears fall. I couldn't control my emotions right now. 

"I'm the most pathetic guy you've ever met..." I mumbled after pulling away and resting my head on his shoulder. Vic pulled away and shook his head.

"No you're not; That's Mike." Vic joked, and I would be lying if I said that wasn't funny. "You're the most wonderful guy I've ever met..." He complimented before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine softly. The kiss was small and ended in a second, only to return seconds later in a more demanding way. Vic put his hands on my hips and rubbed circles in them affectionately as his lips meshed with mine perfectly. I pulled away, resting my head on his shoulder again. The tears weren't as sufficient, and the reason that they were there now was different. In the beginning I was crying because I was scared of what comes next, and now I'm crying because he's too fucking good for me.

"I still want to hear more about this book... I just don't want you to worry either." Vic whispered in my ear. I inhaled deeply, taking in his scent that I can never get enough of. 

"I'll tell you anything; No more secrets." I mumbled back before pulling away and standing up. It was almost seven and the sun was starting to set. "I better get going." Vic frowned, following me across the room before stepping between the door and I. His back pressed against it lightly.

"Don't go." He whispered, and that was enough to convince me. With a solemn nod, Vic grabbed my hand before pulling me back over to the bed, pulling me down on it. His lips met mine again in the most passionate kiss I think we could've ever had. Vic pulled the covers up over us before turning out the light.

"Vic... It's only seven." I whispered.

"Shh, just relax." Vic replied, wrapping an arm around my waist. With a weary sigh, I nodded and cuddled up against his chest and closing my eyes.

--- -

I couldn't sleep. I knew Vic was asleep though. His breathing was even and shallow, and even though he stirred every once in awhile, he barely moved. I slowly untangled myself from him before glancing at the clock resting on the table beside me. We had been lying here for two hours. I had things to do, but I didn't want to leave either. With a huff, I grabbed my shoes before putting them on. Vic groaned.

"Kellin?" He whispered. "Where are you going?" He questioned once catching my gaze.

"I should go now, you're tired and I have things to do."

"And you're tired too and I have things to do, but do you see me leaving?" He retaliated, getting up before slipping out of his shirt. I wasn't used to seeing Vic with no shirt on, but I can't lie; He's absolutely adorable shirtless. Vic was cute almost all of the time, always looking so innocent and caring. And then at other times he's, in lack of better words, the hottest thing ever. "Please put it all off and stay with me tonight. I've missed you." Vic suggested.

I thought it over before nodding, taking off my shoes again. "I don't know how you convinced me twice, but okay." I explained. Vic gave me a successful smile before taking off his jeans and putting on some sweats, throwing me a pair in the process. Anxiously, I stripped as Vic watched, a smirk on his lips.

"Stop staring, you're making me uncomfortable." I mumbled while putting on my sweats.

"You're adorable." He mumbled before pulling me back to the bed and flicking the light off. I layed on top of him this time, pressing our lips together. Vic smiled after pulling away, throwing me on my side. I laughed at him, cuddling close to him like before.

"I love you." He whispered before going silent. I thought about his word for a few minutes, enjoying the way he said them to me.

"I love you too." I replied before, that time, falling asleep.

--- -

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