2. Distracting

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I got off the bus and looked up at the school in front of me. Excitement began to build up in me as I looked at the place I would spend the rest of the year at.

I let out a squeak of surprise when an arm wrapped around my shoulders. Barrel. Lock and Shock were with him.

"What are your classes, princess?" Shock asked. I looked away from her and tried to walk around them.

"Ah ah ah!" Lock said. He grabbed my backpack and pulled me backwards.

"H-hey! Let go!" I said as I fell on the ground.

"Oh, so now you talk?" Lock asked as he bent down to where I was.

"D-don't be so m-mean!" I said as I grabbed my things and stood back up.

"Well, maybe if you gave us a little attention we wouldn't have to do that" Barrel said with a chuckle.

"There's no excuse for bullying!" I stated.

"Ugh, you sound like your Dad" Shock said with a groan.

"Well, I look up to my Dad...literally and figuratively... So that's a good thing. Speaking of my father...he said you three were nothing, but bad news so...if you'll excuse me...I need to get to my classes!" I pushed through them and surprisingly they let me go.

I walked in the school not noticing that the dangerous three were following close behind.

I looked down at the piece of paper in my hand. I sighed when I realized I didn't know where any of the classes were.

"E-excuse me-" I began to say to a person walking by, but they just ignored me. I tried speaking to another person, but I got the same reaction. This just kept repeating over and over again.

"Want our help now, princess?" Lock asked from behind me. I jumped not realizing that he was there.

"Oh...f-fine! But just this once! And then I'm not talking to you three ever again!" I said stubbornly.

"Sure, you won't" Shock said sarcastically as she threw an arm over my shoulder.

"H-hey! Would you stop doing that?" I asked as a blush made it way onto my cheeks.

"Why? Does it make you nervous?" Shock asked in fake innocence.

"N-no! I just don't l-like people touching m-me" I said as I took her arm off my shoulder.

"Get used to it, princess" Barrel said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"H-hey! I said s-stop! Y-you know what?" I said as I pulled myself away from the three.

"What, sweetie?" Shock asked.

"Don't call me that! I-I...I can f-find my classes on m-my own! I-I don't n-need help from oogie's little henchman!" I said confidently.

"Whatever you say, dollface. But we're here if you need us...and we know you will" Lock said with a smirk.

I stormed off and began looking for my classes. I smiled when I saw the mayors son.

"Mason!" I called. He turned towards me and I noticed he had his panic face on.

"Oh, thank goodness!" He exclaimed his face turning back to his happy one. "I thought I wouldn't know anyone here"

"Same here! But hey, now we have each other! What are you classes?" I asked with a smile. He showed me his schedule and I realized we had most of our classes together.

"Yay! Let's go!" I beamed. He helped me find our first class. We walked in, and Mason hid behind me. It was his first day too and he had serious anxiety and was very shy.

"Wh-where should we s-sit?" Mason asked. "H-how about the back of the class. So we d-don't get called on so e-easily"

"Oh, okay. If that's what you wanna do" I said with a shrug. We walked to the back of the class and sat down.

"I-I'm so n-nervous!" Mason said as his panicked face came back.

"Hey, hey...its going to be just fine. I will be right with you for most of the day, and even when I'm not we live right next door to each other" I said trying to cheer him up.

"Y-you're right...th-thanks, Y/N" Mason said as he calmed back down.

"Of course! You're my best friend! I'd do anything for you" I smiled kindly at him, but jumped when two hands slammed down on my desk.

"What are you doing?" It was Lock who had slammed his hands on the desk. He had Barrel and Shock behind him.

"Um...n-none of your business" I said as I turned back to Mason.

"O-oh no! It's Oogie's B-boys" Mason said in distress as his faced turned to a panicked one again. He was bipolar, just like his father. I didn't mind, in fact I always did my best to calm him down.

"I'm a girl, you stuttering freak! Get your eyes checked!" Shock insulted.

"M-my glasses h-haven't come in yet!" Mason said worriedly.

"Leave him alone, you jerks! He's my best friend and I won't let you talk to him like that!" I said as I stood up and let Mason hide behind me.

"And what are you going to do? You're just a human" Barrel said.

"I may be a human, but that doesn't mean I won't hesitate to kick your ass!" I warned.

"Wow, you're so sure of yourself...a bit of a turn-on if you ask me" Lock said with a flirtatious smirk. My entire face turned bright red.

"Speechless now, aren't ya?" Shock said.

"J-just leave us alone! I already told you my Dad said I can't talk to you!" I said as I tried to ignore how flustered I got by Lock's comment.

"You always do what your Daddy says?" Barrel asked with a rude shove.

"Yes! Because I respect my parents!" I answered as I crossed my arms.

"So, you're obedient? Perfect" Lock said with a perverted smirk.

(Hope you enjoyed! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Bad Influences ~ (YANDERE! Lock, Shock, & Barrel x reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now