17. Letter

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"Y/N" I looked back at the school that I was walking away from. I saw Mason and gladly waited for him. "I h-have a question"

"Okay, what is it?" I asked. 

"I...I wanted t-to know about y-your parents" He answered. I raised an eyebrow and giggled. 

"You know my parents, Mason" I responded. 

"N-no, not those ones" He denied. 

"What other-...oh, my biological parents," I said in realization. He nodded. "Well...I don't know"

"Y-you don't know?" He asked. 

"The only thing I have of them is a doll they left behind" I informed. "I don't even know what they look like..." I let out a sigh, suddenly feeling upset. 

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to make y-you upset" Mason apologized. I shook my head, putting a smile back on my face. 

"You didn't make me upset, don't worry" I reassured him as I stepped onto the bus. We sat near the front, with me by the window. "What made you ask, anyway?"

"N-nothing, I was j-just curious" He replied. I hummed in reply and pulled a book out of my bag. "Wh-what are y-you reading?"

"Oh, it's a book my Mom found when she was in the human world" I answered. "It's called 'Fangirl' it's really good so far"

"Your M-mom went to the h-human world?" Mason asked.

"Yeah, my Dad got pretty mad about it. He says it's dangerous and that she could get caught. I overheard them arguing, it was weird" I stated. 

"Weird?" Mason asked.

"Yeah, I mean...I've never heard them argue before," I said. "Well, it wasn't fully arguing, just bickering. But, it was still odd, and not the good kind either"

"Sometimes couples argue, it's nothing to worry about" Mason sent me a positive smile. "It doesn't mean they don't still love each other"

"Hey, we fight all the time, Y/N. Does that mean we're in love?" I jumped at the sound of a new voice. I turned around and saw Lock, Shock, and Barrel in the seat behind us. I rolled my eyes.

"God, where did you even come from?" I asked with a stressful sigh. 

"You're wildest dreams" Barrel answered smoothly. 

"Yeah, whatever" I sarcastically snapped. 

"Aw, are you mad at us?" Shock asked with a fake pout. 

"I'm always mad at you three" I retorted. 

"Aw, really?" Lock asked. 

"Yes! It's the only emotion I feel whenever you three are in a 5-mile radius of me" I stated. 

"We're honored" Barrel sneered. 

"Can you just shut the fuck up for like two seconds?" I growled. 

"Anything for you, princess" Lock said. I groaned and ran a hair through my hair in frustration.

"J-just ignore them," Mason said. 

The rest of the bus ride the three leeches were surprisingly quiet. I got off the bus at my stop and walked in. My parents were sitting in the living room, it seemed as if they were talking about something. They turned to me and I stood in the doorway awkwardly. 

"Am I interrupting something or...?" I asked. 

"Oh no, don't worry," Dad said as he stood up. 

Bad Influences ~ (YANDERE! Lock, Shock, & Barrel x reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now