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Nothing but darkness, no sound but the clashing of chains against the wall and harsh breathing echoing in the empty stall like room.

The pink haired boy was used to this already,  he had been doing it for six years now.
He wasn't allowed to leave the room, he wasn't allowed to go anywhere, he wasn't given freedom at all because he was seen as a menace to the community he was born into.

Suddenly the doors to the room he was locked away in opened and he could hear footsteps approach him.

The pink haired boy immediately sensed that he had never made an encounter with the person before, but he didn't bother looking up.

But apart from that something extra ordinary pulled his attention.

He couldn't read the mind of the person standing a few paces before him like he could with others.

The pink haired boy named Yeonjun wasn't born with the abilities to read people's mind, most people would love to have this ability, but to Yeonjun, it was more of a curse than a gift.

His dad was part of the few men in his home town who secretly belonged to the cult group that worshipped one of the demons that hunted the community.

His father had asked for this ability, and in return, he would repay him with twenty dead souls but unfortunately, Yeonjun had messed up the ritual when he stepped into the circle at a very young age.

His father had gotten furious and physical with him, because he couldn't undo or redo what had been done, and also with the fact that Yeonjun had messed up his once in a life time opportunity.

Yeonjun then had to deal with intruding people's minds without permission, hearing people's thoughts and feelings out loud........It got to a point where he started manipulating people's minds by accident.

He couldn't take it any longer and when it started to get out of hand, the people in his community came after him.

His father, out of hatred, gave him away willingly without any form of resistance.

Yeonjun cried as they took him away, he watched as his dad stood at the door with a stoic face as he was being dragged off while begging him to save him.

"Dad please don't leave, don't let them take me away, dad please, please."

A young boy no older than ten locked away from the world, left all by himself, to suffer for something he was not responsible for.

Anytime he tried to escape he would be severely dealt with, whipped, cut and beaten. This built up a huge amount of hatred and hostility within the boy which was being fueled day by day.


There was a specific demon that tormented the village, the protectors of the village would always place it in the body of a human to contain it.

The demon was very powerful, so it couldn't be contained for too long in a person's body.

It needed to be transferred from one person to another, so until the person bearing the demon could not hold it in any more then the demon would be transferred into someone else, resulting in that person going through serious pain before dying.

This is why they mostly placed the demon in the body of those who offended the village.

The person currently holding unto the demon was finally giving out, so a new body had to be present for the demon to be transferred into.

I Love You Demon []Yeongyu[]Where stories live. Discover now