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Later that night though he was annoyed with Yeonjun he still chose to wait for him and not sleep off like he initially planned.

He didn't know if something was up with Yeonjun, but he needed to see that he was all right.

He heard the door knob turn and closed his eyes pretending to be asleep.

The faint smell of apple was the only affirmation that it was Yeonjun who just walked in.

He had been testing out different body products lately.

Did he shower somewhere else?

He felt Yeonjun's side of the bed dip before a sigh escaped the older male's lips.

Beomgyu seriously contemplated on speaking, but in the end he chose to.

"Hey," he said quietly.

Yeonjun slowly turned his head to look at Beomgyu whose brown eyes were wide open and looking back at him.

Yeonjun only nodded signaling to Beomgyu that he heard him.

"What happened with you today?"

"Nothing," the older male finally spoke.

Beomgyu let silence rest between them before speaking again, "are you sure? It's very unlike you to do this....I hope I'm not the cause of it."

Yeonjun turned to Beomgyu resting behind him, "I'm good," he said faintly before turning to the other side to sleep.

"Do you think I'm a child or something? You can talk to me if something is up," Beomgyu spoke but Yeonjun never replied.

He waited a moment before moving closer to Yeonjun, and drapping his arms over him.
He could feel the latter physically relax under his touch but he didn't pull away from him so he snuggled closer to him and placed his cheeks on his back slowly closing his eyes as he drifted off.

They had no lectures tomorrow so they could hang out and talk, or better still go on a date.
Beomgyu smiled at this idea seeing as they had never went in one before.


"The breakfast is really nice," Namjoon commented sipping from his glass of water.

"Thank you," Beomgyu smiled taking his seat, he glanced towards the staircase to see a tall figure emerged from it.

Beomgyu pulled out a seat for him, but Yeonjun diverted his attention from the dinner table not even bothering to move there.

Beomgyu awkwardly glanced at Namjoon who was full on glaring at Yeonjun.

"I made ramen for you," Beomgyu said to Yeonjun, remembering fully well that it was his favorite.

"Don't be rude," Namjoon spoke.

Yeonjun shrugged his shoulders before moving to sit close to Beomgyu at the dinning table.

Beomgyu again could feel Yeonjun seamed off.

After the deafening silence Beomgyu spoke, "Yeonjun are you sure you okay."

Namjoon rose his eyes to see Yeonjun's reaction.

Beomgyu rose his hands to turn Yeonjun's face to his, but the older male turned away before they could make any form of skin contact, "I'm fine."

Beomgyu lowered his hands and stirred his cup of juice slowly loosing his appetite for eating.

Namjoon finally caught Yeonjun's gaze, "stop it," he mouths.

Yeonjun didn't respond but turn his gaze to Beomgyu beside him.

I Love You Demon []Yeongyu[]Where stories live. Discover now