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The Next Day

"Hueningning I'm not going to drive you to class if you are going to sit behind me," Soobin stated glancing at the younger male in the back seat glaring at the passenger seat.

"Well I'm not going to the front seat, if he is still in it," Huening Kai transferred his glare to Soobin.

The blue haired male slowly glanced down at the tiny baby hedgehog in the passenger seat covered in a tiny sweater and inside a cotton made basket.

"But he's so cute," Soobin cooed at his new pet, "aren't you Odi?" he smiled to the hedgehog.

"Why are you bringing him along?"

"I can't leave him alone at home, you said to find something else I could do which wasn't burrying my head in books and I did."

"Why an hedgehog?!"

"Cause he is cute, Soobin lifted up the basket with the straps and moved it to Huening Kai's face, the younger moving back on instant, "he'll sit with me then...." Soobin placed the basket between his legs, "....since you are so scared, now will you move so we can go."

Huening Kai glanced at his boyfriend before climbing forward to seat close to him.

"Let's go," Soobin started the car, slowing pulling out from the parking lot and heading straight for school.


Almost an hour later they arrived, the parking lot was empty, just a few vehicles in sight, "too early," Soobin commented turning off his car.

"So you don't have any classes today?" Huening Kai asked.

"Yeah, just basket ball practice."

"It has been a while since I've seen you played though," Huening Kai cooed at the image of Soobin working out in the basket ball court.

"Well, see you later at the court," Huening waved slightly on Soobin and was about stepping out of the car when Soobin pulled on his hands.

"You aren't coming with me," the blue haired male asked adjusting Odi by side.

Huening Kai lowered his eyes down to the little creature in it's basket strapped to Soobin's side, "I doubt you will have any trouble without me."

Soobin glanced down at his new pet, "are you seriously going to be like this?"

Without giving Huening Kai much time to think about his reply, Soobin got out of the car and walked straight to Huening Kai, picking him up from the car and attempted draping him over his shoulder, but before he could do so Huening Kai wiggled his way out of it and landed himself in front of Soobin, his legs wrapping around Soobin's torso, "No."

"I told you not to carry me that way," Huening Kai stated after steadying himself in Soobin's strong grip.

"You like being carried," Soobin said, locking his car in the process.

"But not like a sac,"  the shorter male wrapped his arms around Soobin's neck laying his head on his shoulder.

Soobin was already making his way to his class, he dropped Odi carefully on his table and headed to the back seat Huening Kai's lips firmly on his.


Taehyun and Beomgyu walked in few minutes after Soobin and Huening Kai did, Taehyun carrying Beomgyu exactly the way Soobin carried Huening Kai in.

"First time being this early to class," Beomgyu spoke playing with the back of Taehyun's hair.

"You are not the only one."

Beomgyu turned to where Taehyun was staring at.

"Hey! Class starts in fourty minutes, aren't you supposed to be at the court?!" Beomgyu half yelled.

Huening Kai immediately moved away from Soobin face flushed, recently, he wasn't one to make out in public, the stares always gets to him, but he couldn't say the same for Soobin.

"Be quiet," Soobin shushed.

"What's this?" Taehyun tried lifting up Odi.

"Stop," Soobin made a bee line for Odi, pushing Huening Kai to the side in the process.

"Hi fella," Beomgyu cooed at it, attempting to pat it on the head, but Odi returned the gesture with a hiss.

Beomgyu got startled at first, then frowned, "stupid," he muttered flicking the baby hedgehog on the nose releasing another hiss.

"Stop it," Soobin shoved Beomgyu in Taehyun's grip.

"Careful," the blonde male glared.

Soobin after picking Odi up turned in time to see his boyfriend leave the class and a smile broke out on his face, "my baby penguin is the jealous type isn't he....I'll see you two later," then he head out as well.

They heard a shriek, obviously from Huening Kai before hearing footsteps running down the hallways.

"I love those two," Beomgyu muttered while Taehyun placed him on his seat, he smiled a little but it immediately left as fast as it came.

Taehyun cought on to it and turned Beomgyu's face to his, " I know what you are thinking Gyu, stop it, we can make it work."

Beomgyu placed a gentle kiss on Taehyun's cheeks rubbing the spot afterwards.

The two waited, fingers interlocked till others got into the class.

Taehyun received hellos from people who walked in, just Hyunjin and Yeji noticed the brunette on the other side of him.

"Soobin isn't coming is he?" Hyunjin asked pulling Yeji to the empty space beside him, "the white is mine," Hyunjin spoke watching Yeji unpack their breakfast.

Taehyun rolled his head to the right just as Yeonjun came in, Anika not too far behind, "I gotta go."


The blonde male stood not forgetting to place a kiss on Beomgyu's lips before he exited.

"You two couldn't make it huh," Anika snickered walking past Yeonjun before he could sit.

Not so long later on their teacher walked in, greeting the class as he proceeded to his desk.

Beomgyu felt a stare on him while he was going through his bag for his note book, he could tell who it was so he chose to ignore it.

But the stare wasn't stopping anytime soon and was making him uncomfortable, "could you stop, take a picture."

"I already have enough-"

"Then stop-"

"You are together with Taehyun," Yeonjun spoke.

Beomgyu opened his mouth to reply but thought against it, if Yeonjun was not going to give him answers to questions he asks, then why should he.

"Are you?"

Beomgyu turned to look at him, letting him know he heard but chose not to answer, before taking his attention to the board.

There was no use getting him to talk, he doesn't seem like he wanted to talk and he couldn't force him so he let let go....he would read his mind if he could, but he couldn't....he still had no control Beomgyu, which meant his plans were failing.

"Stop," Yeonjun whispered quietly to himself.

Beomgyu perked his ears up, silently paying attention to the male beside him.

"Why don't you ever listen to me," he whispered again, this time Beomgyu took notice of his fisted knuckles turning white.

Yeonjun turned to the shorter male beside him and Beomgyu could have sworn Yeonjun's eyes were red.

Yeonjun had seen the reflection of his eyes in Beomgyu's and blinked repeatedly before rising and excusing himself.

And there it was again, that feeling, something was definitely up and Beomgyu could feel it.


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