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The Next Day.

Beomgyu rolled into his chest on Soobin's bed, the latter had spent the night at Huening Kai's house and Taehyun couldn't stay, so he had the bed to himself.

His phone rang from beneath his pillow, he lazily slipped his hands under his pillow and pulled it out, sitting up in the process.

"Hello?" He said, his voice hoarse, he hadn't fully gotten out from his sleep, his eyes still had refused to open.


"Yeah, who is this?"

"Don't you remember me Gyu?"

Beomgyu ran his hands through his hair trying to process the masculine voice, "I'm sorry no," Beomgyu dropped his hands from hair.

"It's Louis dimwit," the caller said with a chuckle.

Beomgyu immediately snapped his eyes opened, "is this some kind of joke? Who is this?"

The person on the other line cut the call.

"What the hell," Beomgyu dropped his phone on the bed running his hands across his face.

He turned to his phone when a notification popped up on his screen, an unknown number had sent him a picture.

He clicked on the picture and almost smashed his phone to the ground once he saw the picture of Louis appear on his screen.

"Shit," he cursed, Louis was standing right Infront of Soobin's apartment building, how did he know he stays with Soobin, Louis doesn't know anything about the younger.

More especially how long had he been out of jail, his mom clearly didn't know anything about it.

His phone rang again and Beomgyu debated on answering the call or running away.

He ignored the first two calls, but when it kept on ringing, he had no other option than to answer it.

A part of him was also curious to know what Louis had to say, the latter didn't sound mad at all.


"Believe me now love?"

Beomgyu cringed at the last word Louis said, the latter had lied to him.
He wouldn't technically say that the both of them were in love with each other, it was more of a friend with benefits sort of thing.

"What do you want? I actually thought they would finally let you rot in jail."

"Very funny," Louis actually wasn't finding any of this funny.

"What do you want?" Beomgyu asked again.

"I forgive you for reporting me to the cops and I just want us to make up," Louis said.

"You know I didn't mean to let the cops into the house, I only wanted to ease the tension in it, I didn't know the police were passing by.....who the hell threatens his girlfriend with a knife."

"It's not like I never apologized, I did.....and I kept on visiting you until you told me to stop."

"I needed time to think, and now I've come up with a conclusion.... I'm willing to forgive you and put this all behind us, just for my mom's sake."

"So you want to meet up or something," Beomgyu streched his back, and at that moment Soobin walked in giving him a small smile.

"I'll text you the location of our make up date."

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