twenty five

322 13 0

"Brayson, we have rooms 209 through 217 available, but unfortunately that's all. We'd have to re-evaluate you before placing you with another patient again." The desk clerk says and Brayson feels the need to pull at his hair.

He speaks slowly. "Where. Is. The. Doctor. I want to speak to him. Now." His voice is low and almost terrifying. The desk clerk, Lucy, simply sighs and puts her pen between her teeth.

They wait, yet Lucy makes no effort to move a muscle.

After a while, something in Zoe snaps.

"Hello! Get him a room! Or better yet, a doctor!" She raises her voice, slamming her fists on the table.

"Alright, Miss. I'm going to have to ask you to calm down." Lucy warns and Zoe swears she can feel her eye twitch in annoyance.

"And I'm going to have to ask you to get a doctor for Brayson, now!" She yells, and Brayson puts his hands on Zoe's shoulders, instantly calming her down.

Just then, Doctor Burnston- Zoe's old psych doctor- made her way to the desk beside Zoe and Brayson.

"Hey, can you grab me Ben's files please? Ben Wells. Okay, thank you." She nods her head appreciatively, and Zoe takes this opportunity to get Doctor Burnston's attention.

"Doctor Burnston, hi." Zoe smiles.

"Zoe, how are you?" The kind doctor smiles and Zoe smiles sadly.

"Not too well right now, is there anyway you can get Brayson in for a test to room with another patient?" She asks, playing nervously with her fingers.

"Has Brayson left the ward physically?" Doctor Burnston asks, and Brayson shakes his head.

"My mother was supposed to pick me up but she never showed. I am old enough to go live on my own but I don't have any money and there is no one else in my family I can go to. And I guess I feel more comfortable here." The boy shrugs and the doctor nods.

She suddenly turns to Lucy, the desk clerk.

"Lucy, can you register Brayson in Zoe's room and put me down as his prescribed doctor?" Zoe's eyes widen in shock while Lucy nods, typing away at the old, rusty computers.

"Brayson, feel free to get all settled down in Zoe's room, I will be there shortly." The doctor commands and Brayson nods quickly.

"Thank you." He whispers before grabbing Zoe's hand and heading back to her room.

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