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Brayson watches as Zoe rocks back and forth continuously. A short whimper escapes her lips and he couldn't take it anymore.

"Zoe?" He whispers, walking over to the helpless girl. "Zoe, what are you seeing?" Brayson asks, assuming she's seeing something that isn't actually there.

Zoe shakes her head, her long locks falling around her face, creating a curtain, as if to block out reality.

"I can't get the words out of my head." She whispers. "Why did you want to die, Brayson?"

Brayson is taken aback by the bluntness of her question, bringing back horrifying memories.

"I remember the pain, the constant ache in my chest, when all tears had been cried and I was worn out." Brayson starts. "I remember the words- all of the cruel words. They were just thrown at me, time after time after time. I remember the feeling of the blades dragging across my skin, and I remember the way my fingers felt tying the noose on the rope."

Brayson looked down at his trembling fingers, and Zoe let out another soft whimper.

But he remembers things, things he's too scared to say infront of the poor girl.

Things that made him feel good,

things that made him feel whole again.

Things like her smile,

like her skin,

her warmth,

her eyes, although dull and broken,

he feels like Zoe could see parts of Brayson he could never see in himself, and he has only known her for a few short weeks.


Time jump, oops.

I'm sorry if you think this is a crappy book, but it's my first go at writing, so don't judge me lol


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