thirty two

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When Zoe wakes up, Brayson is nowhere to be seen. Panic instantly sets in and she throws her covers over her body and swings her legs over the small bed, successfully landing on the cold, concrete floor. She lifts herself up off of the bed and runs frantically to the door, in attempt to find out where Brayson has went.

She swings the door open quickly and rushes outside, but her trip is cut short when she runs right into a hard, defined chest, accompanied by a tray full of food. She falls back, shortly followed by the other body and the food.

"I am so sor-" Her apology is cut off by a low voice, one she knows almost too well. "Zee, oh my god. What- what were you doing, rushing out like that?" Brayson looks at her body for damages with wide eyes before snapping back to reality and helping her to her feet.

"I- uh, I couldn't find you and I, um, I just wanted to know what happened to you. Make sure you're safe." She sucks in a breath at how shaken up she is.

"Hey, Zee." He coos, and when Zoe refuses to make eye contact with him, he places his forefinger under her chin, forcing her gaze on him. "Zoe, I'm fine. I wasn't going anywhere. I'm not going to go anywhere, not without you babygirl. Remember that. Okay?"


"Right on, Zee. I'm going to go get us some new food, do you want to come with me?" Brayson asks, worried about what might happen if she doesn't accompany him to the cafeteria.

"I'd love to," Zoe smiles, but it falters quickly. Brayson's worry intensifies, and he is suddenly scared to turn around and face what lies behind him.

"Brayson," She whispers, "I think someone's here to see you."

Slowly, the boy turns around and comes face to face with Doctor Burnston and a strange looking man, one that he has never met before.

Doctor Burnston lets out a weak smile, and Brayson can feel his heart drop to the pit of his stomach.

"Hello, Brayson, Zoe." She greets sadly, and as Brayson backs up to put his arm around Zoe's waist.

"What is this about?" Brayson asks, his voice shaky and uneven, as the unfamiliar man and the doctor approach the pair.

"I'm here for Zoe, actually. May we go into your room to talk some more?" The man speaks, and Brayson discovers that his voice is higher than normal men, but not squeaky. His voice says, 'I'm not here to hurt you' but his 5 o'clock shadow says 'this will be so much more simple if you stop screaming', and it scares the living crap out of Brayson.

"I'd much rather we stay out here," Zoe says weakly, shivering in Brayson's hold.

The man looks at the doctor and she simply shrugs her shoulders as if to say 'not much we can do about it'. "Alright then, I'll try to make this as quick as possible. My name is Jordin Santos, I am here of behalf of the Viki's Cruise ships Enterprise. Your mother and Father were on one of our cruise ships on route to Mexico for a vacation it seems, and the ship had some mechanical difficulties, resulting in the demolition of the whole boat. I'm sorry, Ms. Walker, your parents were killed in the shipwreck." Brayson's jaw goes slack and he hears Zoe gasp before letting a nasty sob escape past her perfect lips. And then another one, and another, until she is full-on crying, her knees buckling in the process, causing her to almost fall if it weren't for Brayson's hands around her, supporting her.

Doctor Burnston walks over to Zoe and helps Brayson bring her into her cell before saying her condolences and leaving the two to be on their own.

"Zoe, I'm so sorry," He whispers and Zoe closes her eyes, letting the tears fall past her tired eyelids.

"I just-" She sniffles, resting her head on Brayson's shoulders, "The last thing I ever did was kick them out and I-" Zoe sobs and Brayson feels his heart clench, "I regret that so much, Bray." Her voice breaks multiple times and Brayson takes her tear-stained face in his hands gently. "Zoe, I don't know what to say, but I will always be here, Zee. Until the sun dies, okay? I will always be here to hold you, and to keep you safe, and to love you unconditionally. I will always be here, always." He presses his lips to her left cheek, and then to her right cheek, to her forehead, and finally to her lips. The kiss was gentle, slow and passionate. Zoe can't think back to the last time anyone has ever treated her with this much care, and she loves the feeling of how Brayson makes her feel. They pull apart slowly, and he rests his forehead on hers, looking into her eyes lovingly.

"Everything will be okay, Zee. I love you." Brayson whispers and Zoe kisses his nose.

"I love you too."

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