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Zoe watched the nurse's lips move, telling her about her symptoms and how she's doing better.

But how come she still sees those horrifying bugs and knows there's someone out to hurt her?

The only thing that catches Zoe's attention is when the nurse says, "Mr. Jones, a resident in here, will be occupying this room with you. You've both been doing quite well."

Lies, Zoe thinks. Nobody in this dump could ever be doing well.

"He'll be coming in tomorrow, and it'll be just like being flat mates; except if one of you harms the other, we will have no choice but to remove you from your current cell- erm, room- and restart your day count. For the both of you, your release dates are still uncertain anyways. We figure putting the two of you together could do you well."

Zoe couldn't fit all of the new found information into her messed-up mind, so she simply nodded, and swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Alright, Zoe. Maybe eat something, go to the cafeteria. They have some really tasty apples." The nurse rubbed her tummy in a child-like fashion- it made Zoe want to hurl.

First, they treat her inhumanly, now they are treating her like a child.


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