twenty two

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When the pair wake up in the morning, they're greeted by a tall nurse with very broad shoulders.

"Mr. Jones? I am here to escort you to your family." The nurse informs them, his voice as deep as the Dead Sea.

Brayson nods, but decides to negociate. "Can Zoe walk me to my parents too?"

"I guess it's alright. Only if Zoe here heads to the cafeteria right after." The man nods his head at Zoe, and she instantly feels intimidated by this stanger.

"O-okay." She manages to choke out. Sensing her anxiousness, Brayson grabs her hand and laces his thick, stubby fingers with her thin, lanky ones.

The effortless act sends comfort to the girl, and she sends a small smile in his direction.

"Alright, your parents should be here any second; we notified your mother a few days back. Let's get this show on the road." The unnamed nurse tells the pair, shooing them out of the door.

As they reach the lobby, Zoe is shaking for mainly unknown reasons.

The nurse instructs them each to take a seat, to which they oblige quickly, wanting to stop their careless fidgeting.

The hands on the clock tick by slowly.

"My mum was supposed to be here almost an hour ago." Brayson states, and Zoe watches as his thigh bounces up and down.

"What about your dad?" Zoe is curious as to why only one parent is coming to bring their son back home.

"My dad left when I was 14." He replies nonchalantly, as if he didn't have a care in the world for his father.

"I'm sorry." Zoe says quickly, rubbing the pad of her thumb lightly against the prominent veins on the top of his hand.

"Don't be. He was sort of a mean guy anyway." From the time he was 14 until now, Brayson had planted thoughts in his own head that his father really was a crappy husband and father figure just so he didn't have to face the reality that his old man took off because of Brayson and his own depressed self.

The two watch the seconds tick by, which turned into minutes, which turns into hours.

The psych ward had attempted to reach Brayson's mother, but it seems she had disconnected the line- rising suspicions about an attempt to neglect her son once again.

Brayson had never felt more unloved in his life.

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