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Brayson's almost asleep- but the extremely small beds in the cells made it almost impossible to catch any sleep.

He is simply thinking. Thinking about Zoe, and her sarcastic remark. He thinks all psychos were the same; clearly he waswrong.

He even thinks about how Zoe called the psychos here the 'mentally disturbed' instead of the term he uses.

Is it even appropriate to call them pyschos anymore?

All of a sudden, a rather loud shriek slips past Zoe's lips, alerting Brayson immediately that something is wrong.

Brayson uses his long legs to swiftly jump out of the rock hard bed and run over to the screaming girl.

Zoe's now sitting up,using her thin-as-paper blanket as protection against something; something Brayson can't see.

"Hey, hey, Zoe. Zoe, stop crying; tell me what's wrong."

Brayson's deep voice somehow sends waves of comfort to the schizophrenic girl.

"All of the bugs," she choked out in between sobs.

Brayson has absolutely no clue about what she is talking about, but that doesn't stop him from kneeling infront of Zoe's bed.

"Alright, love. Where are the bugs?" Brayson tries to keep his voice as calm as possible.

Zoe holds out a shaky finger to the concrete wall that is empty. "There. On the walls."

"Okay. What do you want me to do?" Brayson asks.

"S-stay with me." Zoe whispers.

"Keep me safe." She adds.

"Until the sun dies, love." Brayson nods, crawling onto Zoe's bed.

She moves up slightly, so Brayson can have room to sit in between the wall and Zoe.

As he got comfy, Zoe leans her head against his chest.

"I know you're probably freaked out right now, this doesn't happen very often." Zoe explains, looking up at the boy through her eyelashes.

Brayson swore, within that moment of brief eye contact, he knew he had something to live for.

Until The Sun DiesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora