Day Twenty-Eight

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Facing Fears

"JayJay?" Nya whimpers, standing in his doorway clutching one of his hoodies in her hand.

"Hey princess, you okay?"

Nya walks over and sits on his lap, leaning against his chest. Jay wraps his arms around her and kisses her head. Nya snuggles into him.

"Kitten, what's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare about...him."

"Shh I know. I don't like it too."

Nya shivers and leans against him. Jay holds her tightly. Even though the whole Nadakhan incident happened five years ago, Nya is still terrified and refuses to go anywhere by herself, sometimes even to the bathroom. Jay is slowly getting less scared but doesn't like anything pirate related and will shiver if his name is ever mentioned. He'd been going out to the memorial ever so often and looking at it. It helped him become less scared and have less nightmares.

"Hey, I have an idea."

Nya looks up at him.

"How 'bout we go to the place that helped me become less scared of him?"

Nya looks down before nodding slightly. Jay smiles and stands up. Nya puts Jay's hoodie on over her clothes. Jay grabs her hand and leads her outside.

"Where a-are we going?" Nya asks, shivering.

"Here," Jay leads her to the Nadakhan memorial.

Nya shivers more and forces herself into her arms, hiding her face in his chest. Jay hushes her and walks closer to it.

"It's okay sweetheart, it's just a picture."

Nya shivers and snuggles more into Jay.

"Y'know what I did?"


"I wrote everything I hated about him on a plate, smashed it and yelled at his face."

Nya giggles weakly. Jay grabs the paper bag he'd picked up on the way out and pulls out two plates and two permanent markers. Jay sits on the concrete ground and pulls Nya onto his lap. Nya grabs a plate and a pen and starts to write.

Ten minutes later, both Jay and Nya's plates are covered in writing. Jay stands up and pulls Nya up.


Nya nods and throws her plate onto the ground, successfully smashing it.

"I hate you! You d*ckhead!"

The courtyard is filled with frustrated shouting.

"Kai! Hurry up!" Nya yells from downstairs, wearing a blue t-shirt and some shorts.

"Do we have to go?" Kai asks, trudging down the stairs.

"Yes we do. Now get Cole and Morro."

Five minutes later, Cole and Morro appear at the top of the stairs. They slowly come down and the team walk down to the beach.

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