Day Nine

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"Cough-I'm sick"

Lloyd groans as he hears someone retching in the bathroom. He sits up, rubs his eyes and climbs out of his bed. As he places his bare feet on the floor, the floorboard creaks. He winces and looks over towards his roommates bed, hoping he hasn't woke her up. His eyes widen when he sees her bed empty with her favourite blanket thrown on the floor in a hurry. Lloyd jumps when someone retches loudly from the bathroom.

As Lloyd runs into the bathroom, his eyes soften when he sees his girlfriend knelt on the bathroom floor, leaning over the toilet and retching. Lloyd rushes to her side and kneels next to her, rubbing her back. Nya leans into him and snuggles into him. Lloyd smiles and lets her lean on his chest. Lloyd rubs her back.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Nya whimpers softly and shakes her head. Lloyd hushes her and flushes the toilet. Nya closes her eyes and places a hand on her stomach, groaning quietly.

"Shh, come on, let's get you to bed."

Lloyd stands up and stretches. Nya keeps a hand on the wall to keep herself sitting upright. Lloyd notices her reluctance to get up and leave. Lloyd looks down at her.

"You can lay on me."

Nya instantly perks up and raises her free arm to Lloyd, wanting to be in his arms. Lloyd smiles and picks her up. Nya wraps her arms around his neck and snuggles into his chest. Lloyd carries her back to their room, lays on his bed, and lays Nya on top of him. Nya pushes her head into Lloyd's chest and grips onto his shirt. Lloyd strokes her hair. Lloyd looks down at her concerned when she squirms in his arms.

"Kitten? What's wrong?"

Nya squirms and looks around. Lloyd tightens his grip.

"Do you want your blanket?"

Nya perks up and nods rapidly. Lloyd laughs, puts her down and grabs her childhood blanket. As soon as Lloyd gets close enough, she snatches the blanket and snuggles into it. Lloyd kisses her forehead.


"Yes sweetheart?"

Nya coughs. "I'm sick."

Here's day nine. Hope you're all staying safe and well.

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