Day Fifteen

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"Excuse me-that was my smoothie!" Kailor AU

Kai sighs, running a hand through his hair and grabbing his phone. He'd been stood at the smoothie stand for the past ten minutes and still hadn't got his smoothie. Kai taps his foot impatiently on the concrete floor, checking his Twitter for the twentieth time since he ordered.

A girl with bright red hair and amber eyes walks up to the smoothie stand. She leans against the counter, says something to the cashier, gives them some money and stands off to the side. She pulls out her phone and starts typing on it.

"Tropical fruit smoothie for-"

"Thank you!" Kai runs over and grabs the cup from the cashier.

Kai puts his phone in his back pocket and starts to walk home.

"Excuse me."

Kai jumps and turns around to see the redheaded girl behind him. He slows down so she can catch up to him.

"That's my smoothie."

Kai looks down at the cup and turns it slightly so he can see the name written on it. Skylor. Kai blinks and hands the cup to Skylor, murmuring an apology.

She smiles and takes the cup, making their fingers brush together. Kai feels his face heat up at the small contact. Kai you've just met her!

It's been one month since Kai met Skylor and today was the day, he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend. He'd decided to take her to the smoothie stall, again, and ask her there.

"Hey Kai," Skylor says when Kai arrives ten minutes later.

"Hey Sky," Kai says, walking over to her.

Kai walks up to the stall, orders two tropical smoothies and walks back over to Skylor. He smiles when he looks at the small features that he loves about her. Her bright red hair, her gorgeous amber eyes. Yeah, Kai is head over heels for her.

"Sky, can I ask you something?"

"Of course," Skylor smiles, making Kai smile and blush softly.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes of course I will," Skylor hugs him and kisses his cheek.

Kai hugs her back and kisses her gently.

I'm sorry these are so short, I keep running out of motivation. Hope you're all staying safe and well.

Flumptober ✔︎Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora