Day Twenty-Seven

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"Don't curse, we have little ears listening!"

Maria groans as she gets woken up again, for the third time tonight, by her one month old baby half sister. She groggily climbs out of bed and stumbles over to the cot that is now situated in Maria and Morro's room. Maria picks up the screaming baby and rocks her gently.

"Shh, it's okay lil sis."

Maria looks over at her sleeping roommate, who is miraculously still asleep. I wish I could sleep through this screaming. Maria sits on her bed and continues to rock Alexa, her half sister, hoping to get her to sleep.

Instead of calming her down, like it normally would, it makes her cry louder. Maria sighs and leans down to kiss the baby's forehead. Maria had been told that it would get easier, that she wouldn't be woken up as often when Alexa got older, but how is she meant to hold on until then? With the missions getting more frequent and longer, she barely gets any time to rest, or hang out with the others.

"Mari, you could just ask Ed and Edna to look after her," Cole had said to her the previous week.

"I can't. I can't rely on them to look after her all the time."

As Alexa's cries get louder, there's a quiet creek from the room next door. Maria lays down and holds Alexa to her chest, hoping it'll at least lessen the volume of her cries. Alexa cries even harder. The door slams open, making Maria jump and Morro groan and wake up.

"Still not sleeping?" Jay asks.


"It's f*cking annoying," Morro groans, turning over and snoring, indicating he's fallen asleep.

"Hey! Don't curse, we have little ears listening!"

So...I'm in the process of making banners for everyday of Flumptober. They probably won't be done until Halloween so that's when I'll put them all in. Hope you're all staying safe and well.

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