Chapter 13

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Flora's POV

Williamsberg is such a beautiful little town, and its old Victorian style houses are magnificent. I can't get over the trees and all the different color leaves either they're mesmerizing. I mean I've never seen so many reds, oranges, yellows, and even on some of the trees purple back home in California. It has been really rough without Juliana back home her mother has gone down hill and her brothers and sisters are off doing god knows what. I'm thankful that Maggie was able to get out of there and go away to school it's what she needed.

God I miss Juliana so much, and it's one of the reasons I made this trip here. My second reason for being here is the guy who is basically eating my best friend's face off right in front of me. He definitely is a good looking guy I'll give him that much, and he looked clean enough. Don't judge me I did say clean because you never know he could've been a greaser for all I knew. The bandanna he was wearing was also a really nice touch. It kept his unruly hair out of his face.

"Jesus will you two get a god damn room please?!" I cal as I step out of my rental.

"Ok if you insist." Juliana says smirking as she pull Ashton towards the ladder.

"Always the comedian aren't we Jay?"

"Jay?" Ashton asks confused.

'You didn't know about her nickname?"

"Um no, and I'm Ashton since Juliana neglected introductions."

"Flora, nice ink by the way. Does it go all the way up your arm?" I ask as I take his hand and see some pretty impressive design peeking out of his jacket sleeve.

"Thanks and uh yeah they do. So Juliana when were you planning on telling me about this nickname?"

"Um never because the story behind it is embarrassing." Juliana is bright red.

"If you don't tell him I will." I say.

"Don't you dare!"

"When Juliana was younger her favorite bird had been the blue jay, and one day we were at the [ark and she stumbled across a nest of them. Well she got to close and the mama bird didn't like it and she attacked our poor little Juliana. All she kept screaming was jay! jay! jay! and I don't know it became kind of a joke and the name just stuck." I finish and I it looks like he is about to explode he's laughing so hard.

"It isn't that funny." Juliana huffs.

"Oh pleas it's freaking hilarious and you know it."

"Shut up Flora."

"And if I don't?"

"I'll punch you."

"You're bluffing you wouldn't dare." I spoke too soon for she balls up her fist and lets it go as hard as she possibly could.

"Ouch you little bitch!" I yell grabbing my arm.

"Damn babe that hurt even me."

"Yeah well she deserved it."

"Hahaha Juliana you're hilarious I deserved nothing. Can you do me a favor and go up into the tree house?"

"Why?" Her and Ashton asks at the same time, and judging by the look they shared that has never happened before.

"I would like to talk to Ashton if that's ok."

"Fine I'll go, but you're not allowed to kill him." She winks and leaves us alone.

I wait for her to disappear before I say anything.

"So you're Ashton Irwin huh?" I look him up and down.

"The one and only. Impressed?"

"Ha! Barely!"

"Ouch, so why do you want to kill me exactly?"

"Well first you're playing games with my best friend's heart it isn't a chew toy, and second you're confusing her she wants to be with you in ways that you don't want to be with er because of this stupid 'image' you have." I say poking at his shoulder.

"Excuse me? I kissed her at the dance in front of about half of the school."

"Don't give me that crap we both know why you kissed her and it wasn't because you wanted to it was because you wanted to prove a point."

He's silent for a second.

"Flora listen I like her a lot, but honestly it isn't my image I'm afraid of ruining it's hers."

"Oh come on that's a crock of shit."

Ashton's POV

It is taking everything I have not to go of on this Flora chick. I mean she comes up here to my tree house and is acting like she knows me. She's standing in front of me with her arms crossed, hip cocked to one side, and this look on her face that I think is supposed to look intimidating trying to get me to admit to something but I don't know what.

"It is not. You think you know me from the stories you've heard but you don't. So if you wouldn't mind just buzz off."

"You're absolutely right I don't know you, but the question is does Juliana?"

"No she doesn't."

"Well either you tell her what you just told me or you stop leading her on and just leave her alone because if I have to hear one more story about how you were a dick we will have a problem."

"Listen here Flora I do not appreciate you coming to my place and being rude to me. I have done nothing wrong to you and I don't need this crap." I say.

"I am Juliana's best friend and since she wasn't planning on saying anything to you I stepped in."

"That means absolutely nothing and you're lucky you're her best friend otherwise I probably would've cursed you out and told you to leave by now."

"Ooooooo I'm so scared I'm shaking in my boots. Juliana may fall for the act that you put on but I can see right through it."

"I don't need to explain myself to you, but lets just say my reputation isn't the best. I'm not as popular as most people think, and honestly I have nothing more to lose. Juliana on he other hand? Well she has a lot to lose. I don't want to taint her image with mine." I look down at the ground.

"Well you need to tell her that."

"Yeah I know. Are you going to sit here while I do or are you going to leave us alone?"

"I think I'll sit here."

"Um no please leave."

"Then why ask?" She is annoyed.

"Because I knew it would annoy you now go." I say and wave my hand at her.

"Fine whatever." Finally she leaves.

Is it a bad thing that I've only just met this girl and I absolutely can's stand her? She dug up memories that I would like to stay hidden, but sadly she does have a point. Juliana needs to know everything, and I think I'm ready to tell her everything there is to know about who I am.

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