Chapter 2

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Juliana's POV

"Damn it where the hell are you?" I mumble checking the time on my phone for what feels like the hundredth time. My wonderful father is twenty minutes late, guess he decided to get a head start on the ladies tonight. I'll stick it out for a little while longer, but it looks like I'm walking home today.



Ashton's POV

"Tucker who is that?" I ask my friend as we stand by our motorcycles.


"That girl standing over there, she told me her name but I just can't remember it." I admit.

"No I've never seen her before. Why do you care?" He asks.

"Just wondering is all." I shrug.

"Alright whatever man, I gotta get going. Later." Tuck jumps on his bike and leaves.

Damn it why the hell do I want to remember this girl's name so bad? I mean she's obviously new, and she couldn't be older than a freshman considering her and Hemmings have become friends. She is pretty though, I can give her that much. She has long hair that's dyed in that weird way where only half of it is blonde and the other half is natural, ombré I think it's called, and her eyes are bluer than robin's eggs. She looks so innocent, definitely not my type, and yet there was something about her that I just can't put my finger on. She doesn't have any noticeable tattoos or piercings which is a little boring, and she's really tiny. I wasn't expecting her to be so short. She had kept her head down for most of biology I think I might have scared her a little, but she was staring at me at lunch I wasn't about to not say anything to her. I give her one more quick glance and she is walking out of the school gates.

"What the hell is she doing?" I ask aloud quickly starting my bike. I ride over to where she's walking and stop in her path.


Juliana's POV

"ARE YOU CRAZY?! YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME!" I yell at the mystery driver. He shuts off his bike and quickly dismounts.

"Yeah I could have, but I didn't." He says as he takes off his helmet. I see the curls and the bandanna before I see his face, and I almost gasp.

"You're not going to yell at me again are you?" I ask dropping my gaze to the floor.

"No, sorry if I scared you I just don't like being stared at that's all."

"Oh then what can I help you with?"

"Well first I'm Ashton Irwin, but I'm sure Hemming's little girlfriend told you that already." He says a note of disgust in his tone.

"I'm Juliana Ferrara, and I already told you that. Sorry." I'm bright red at this point.

"Pretty name, and will you quit saying you're sorry for everything?"

"Sorry." I mumble, and he chuckles. That sent a weird shiver down my spine.

"Wait did you say Ferrara?" He asks.


"Your old man is pretty much the king of the bar in town." He sounds amazed.

"Yep that's him." I say making my voice sound dead. "Now what can I help you with?" I ask annoyed.

"I was wondering what you were doing?"

"Well I'm about to walk home, or at least attempt it, because the king decided to start early today." I say sarcastically. "So if you don't mind I'll be on my way." I begin to walk around him and his bike, but he grabs my arm. He instantly let's me go as if I had shocked him.

"Sorry, but I can't let you do that." He says calmly.

"Oh and why not?" I feel like I'm about to puke, why is he talking to me? What does he want?

"You don't know the neighborhood, and you could get hurt."

"And why do you care?" A look of confusion crosses his face as I ask him this.

"I don't, it's just... I don't..." He's at a loss for words. "Listen do you want the ride or not? Trust me when I say it's a long walk, I've driven your old man home plenty of times to know." He says holding out his helmet. I go weak at the knees, and I can't believe this is happening to me.

"Um sure, I guess..." I grab the helmet accidentally brushing my fingers against his. The electric current is so strong I jerk my hand back in shock. I slide my helmet on, it's a little big, and wait for instruction.

"Ok let me get on and start her up, then you follow behind me. Got it?" I nod my head. Ashton's bike roars to life making me jump, and he motions for me to get on. I walk up to the bike and I'm nervous as hell, I've never ridden a motorcycle before in my life.

"What are you waiting for? Get on!" He yells over the engine. I take a deep breath as I grab his shoulder and throw my right leg over.

"Ok now put your arms around my waist and hold on tight!"

Did he just say to grab his waist? I have to be dreaming this can't be real! I'm freaking out right now. Juliana calm down he's just being nice.

The bike shoots forward, and I instantly grab his waist. His shoulders shake as he laughs at me. We're flying through the town in a matter of minutes, and I'm loving every second of it. All I can smell is his leather bike jacket, and I breathe it in slowly. We aren't talking because of the noise, but I know he can feel what I'm feeling. He hasn't relaxed since the second my arms were touching him.

"Ok here we are!" Ashton turns off the bike.

"Already? That was fast." I don't mean to sound so disappointed.

"Yeah, so what did you think? Did you have fun?" He asks as I get off his bike, and it definitely isn't the most graceful thing to watch.

"I had a blast! First time on a motorcycle ever!" I say, but stumble a little as I try to walk.

"Easy there let the world catch up to you before you try to walk." He laughs grabbing my waist to steady me.

"Uh ok." He's touching me and I'm going crazy inside. He quickly drops his hands and looks away from me.

"Let me take this off." I point at his helmet. Slowly I unstrap it and pull it off my hair going in every direction. "Uh thanks for the ride. Do you want a drink or anything?" I offer handing the helmet over.

"No I'm good, and don't mention it." He slips on his helmet.

"Oh ok see you later then." I begin to walk away, but he calls my name. "Yes?"

"Seriously don't mention this to anyone." Is all he says before he kicks his bike to life.

I knew that was all too good to be true.

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