Chapter 16

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Ashton's POV

I'm laying in our bed wrapped in Juliana's blanket. God how I miss her. The tree house has been so empty without her, and I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I just want her in my arms again. She hasn't been in school all week, and she's been ignoring my texts and calls. I'm starting to get a little worried. Taylor has told everyone that Juliana has been at her house the past week because she wasn't feeling well. Honestly everyone but Luke doesn't believe her. I mean come on those two haven't exactly been the closest, so who wouldn't get any red flags from Taylor's story?

My thoughts start to go dark.

Maybe she's trying to drop a hint and she doesn't want to see me anymore.

"Ashton come on stop that. You know that that's not true. She has to have a reasonable explanation for skipping out." I reassure myself.

I really hope that she's ok. As if on que my phone starts playing "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith telling me Juliana is trying to call me. I fumble trying to untangle myself from her blanket so I can answer in time.

"Hey. Where have you been? Are you ok? You've had me worried sick!" I almost yell at her.

"I'm ok don't worry, and I'm at Taylor's."

"Wait she was telling the truth about that?"

"Yeah she was. We need to talk..."

"Why are you there?"

"That's what we have to talk about." She says quietly.

"Want me to come pick you up?"

"No no please just come here and talk to me." She sounds like a robot.

"Are you ok?"

"Just come over I'll explain everything when you get here I promise."


"I'll see you soon."

"Juliana wait!" I say before she can hang up.


"I love you."

She sighs.

"I love you too Ashton" She hangs up and I know that something isn't right.

Juliana's POV

"Juliana you can't avoid him forever." Taylor says as she sits down on her bed.

"I know I just got off the phone with him, and he's on his way here as we speak."

"I hope you know you can't ride on that thing he drives anymore right?"

"You mean his BIKE? Taylor I'm not a moron I know I can't ride it any more." I roll my eyes at her.

"Sorry... Soooooo am I still the only one who knows?"

"Yeah you are but I think I'm going to call Mikey and tell him while Ashton is on his way here."

"Really why?"

"Because he's my best friend why wouldn't I tell him?" She's being really weird.

"I don't know."

"Taylor what aren't you telling me?" I'm so fed up with this game she plays. She does this all the time.

"I think Michael likes you."

"Yeah ok whatever Taylor." I laugh at her.

"It's true! But I'll let you believe what you want." She says and gets up to leave so I can be alone.

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