Chapter 3

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Ashton's POV

Damn it, it has been a whole damn week and I can't get Juliana out of my head! I find myself watching her to make sure she's ok, and I always hang back after school to make sure she has a ride, but she has no idea. Unlike her I'm able to watch her and not have her know.

Biology has been a breeze Juliana is so smart, but other than that we have no contact. She hasn't told anyone about me giving her that ride, and thank god for that. I couldn't imagine what something like that would do to my reputation if it got out, wait on second thought scratch that yes I could.

Still I can't get her out of my head. I don't know what these feelings are, I've never felt what I feel when we accidentally touch. I feel like every nerve ending in my body is just waiting to explode. My heart races and my head spins, what is this plain jane doing to me?

The fantasies are even worse. When we're sharing the microscope and she's so close I can smell her perfume all I want to do is kiss her. When she's talking to her friend with the pink hair, Michael I think, I get this weird feeling way down in the pit of my stomach. I guess you could call it jealousy, but I don't like her that way.

Or do I?

Ashton, what are you asking yourself? She isn't your type she's quiet, smart, and innocent, but that's not all. There's more to this girl and I just cannot figure out what it is for the life of me.

"Ashton? Ashton, are you listening?" Juliana snaps her fingers in front of my face.

"What? Sorry."

"We need to get our microscope. I got it last time."

Damn it, not this fucking shit again. She looks especially pretty today, much prettier than her normal jeans and a sweatshirt. She's wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a black Rolling Stones tshirt, and a pair of black boots. She's also wearing her contacts today, and her long hair is curled.

There's that feeling again, the feeling of I just want to kiss her and bring her back to my tree house.

"Ok, so what are we doing today?" I ask as I place the microscope on our lab table.

"Identifying the different cells from our notes."

"Shit. Seriously?"

"You didn't take the notes, did you?" She asks giggling. She has the most unique laugh I have ever heard.

"How'd you guess?" I smile.

"I saw you sleeping." She blushes, and looks down at her open notebook.

"Oh you're watching me now?"

"Oh come on don't pretend like you're not watching me." My mouth drops open. Am I really being that obvious?


"I'm kidding, but I do know you wait around after school. I've seen you, thanks." She smiles shyly.

"Don't worry about it, and thanks for not telling anyone." I say picking up a slide.

"Welcome." She sighs.

For the rest of the class Juliana doesn't say anything to me other then what to write down. When the bell rings we go our separate ways, no goodbye or anything.


Juliana's POV

Damn him, it's been a week and I don't exist to him outside of biology. He can sit there and act all buddy buddy for forty five minutes and that's all? I mean he has to care a little bit, he waits after school to make sure I have a ride for gods sake. That's gotta mean something, doesn't it?

"Juliana? Hello? Is anybody in there?" I hear Luke asking.

"Sorry, did you say something?" I ask pulling myself back into the reality that is my miserable life, and focusing on the crowed hallway in front of me.

"Yeah I asked you if Tay's mom is taking you home today."

I open my mouth to answer Luke, but shut it quickly forming a plan.

"No I think my dad might actually show today." I lie trying not to smile.

"Oh really, and why is that?"

"Don't know, there wasn't a new girl at the house this morning." I shrug.

"Well that's odd."

"Can we change the the subject?" I don't feel like talking about dear old dad. Luke and I elbow our way to our lockers.

"Yeah, sorry." He turns and I hear the clicks of his combination lock. "So what's with you and Ashton?" He finally asks not turning to look at me.

"What? Nothing, why would there be anything going on?" I ask too quickly.

"You two are just really friendly in bio that's all."

"He's my lab partner Luke, I can't be a bitch to him."

"Not what I meant." He finally grabs his math book.

"Then what did you mean exactly?"

"Nothing just thought more was going on."

"I'm not his type, besides I don't exist to him outside of that room." I scoff as Luke closes his locker and turns to look at me.

"Oh is that so?" He raises an eyebrow


"Then why is he walking this way?"

"WHAT?!" I yell.

"Juliana?" Ashton taps my shoulder, and I slowly turn around trying not to explode from his touch.

"Yes Ashton?" I take a deep shaky breath.

"I need your help, I suck at biology and I need a tutor."

"And you want my help?" I'm shocked.

"You're the only person in that class that actually deals with my shit so yeah." He sounds assholeish and arrogant, and that pisses me off.

"What's in it for me?"

"The pleasure of seeing me everyday after school." He grins wickedly, and sure that's a plus but why is he asking me for help? I already give him all the notes he needs to pass.

"Juliana you're going to be late." Luke snaps giving Ashton a dirty look.

"Beat it Hemmings, we're talking." Ashton almost growls, and Luke leaves without even a word to me or Ashton.

"That wasn't nice."

"Yeah yeah whatever. So are you going to help me or not?" He asks.

"I'll help you, but there are some rules."

He rolls his big hazel eyes.

"And those would be?"

"Well fist, you're going to have to give me a ride home everyday."

"Done." He interrupts.

"Not finished. Second, I have to be able to talk to you outside of class and tutoring, none of this reputation crap getting in the way. Finally, you have to be a little nicer to my friends." I finish and he's just staring at me. "Well?" I push.

"Give me a minute I'm thinking." He holds hid hand up and we are still standing in front of my locker as the late bell rings.

"Ashton I'm late."

"Fine fine have it your way, I'll see you later?" It was a question so I decide to play him up a bit.


"Why?" He sounds desperate and annoyed.

"Taylor's mom is supposed to take me home." I lie for the second time today.

"Bullshit, I'll meet you in the library after school sweetheart." He leans in and kisses my cheek. Then he takes off down the hallyway.

I'm in shock, did he just call me sweetheart, more imortatnly did he just kiss me on the cheek? I walk into my second to last class in a daze.

What the hell was that?

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