Chapter 4

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Ashton POV

It's 2:30 and Juliana still hasn't shown up.

"Where the hell is she?" I ask myself aloud.

"Where's who?" Her voice makes me jump.

"No one Gabbe, don't worry about it." I say not even bothering to look at her.

"Oh come on Ash you can't shut me out forever. You'll want me back, you always do."

"Watch me, oh and Gabbe I will never I repeat never want your lying, cheating, skanky ass back, and that's a promise. Now leave." I say between my teeth.

"Fine, but you'll change your mind. See you around sugar." Gabbe purrs and i hear the clicks of her biker boots slowly fade away.

"Who was that?" Juliana asks appearing out of thin air.

"That? That was no one." I lie.

"No you looked pretty pissed for that to be no one. who was she?" Juliana pries and I'm really trying not to snap on her.

"Her name is Gabbe McDaniels, she's my ex." I sigh.

"Oh..." She sounded hurt.

"Nothing is going on between us." I say quickly, but I don't know why I did exactly. I don't need to justify myself to her.

"Ok well are you ready to get started?" She asks holding up her biology book. she must have seen the look on my face because the next words out of her mouth were, "Don't worry, I'll share mine."

"Ok thanks, I didn't think that one through." I laugh. "Oh and Juliana?"


"Why are you late? You weren't making out with your boyfriend I hope." I wink opening the library door for her.

"I don't have a boyfriend thank you very much. I had to tell Mr. Varnner about our tutoring sessions, and I needed to grab my book." She huffs. I shake my head, she's so easy to wind up.

She finally decides to walk through the open door and I follow close behind her. God I can't even remember the last time I had actually been in a library. I just don't like them. Maybe it's the old musty smell of out dated books, or the bitchy old librarians that always look like they've just finished sucking on a lemon. If I had a choice between this place and my tree house, I'd definitely pick my tree house.

"How's this table look?" Juliana asks standing in front of the table closest to the desk.

"Um terrible." I say walking towards the back past the bookshelves.

"Where the hell are you going? I don't think there are tables back there."

"Who cares I'd rather sit on the floor than up there by the check out desk." I say spotting the perfect place. It looks like it's the last shelf of history books, they're all dusty so I know that no one has been back here in ages. Like I said, perfect.

"This is where you want to study?" She asks sounding almost nervous.

"Is that a problem?" I ask sitting down on the scratchy school carpet.

"No not at all." She sits down next to me.

*** 1 Hour Later ***

"Ashton can I ask you something?" Juliana asks me looking up from the book we had been sharing. we were sprawled out in the middle of the isle, our arms brushing giving me that feeling.

"You just did."

"You're hilarious, but seriously." She rolls her eyes.

"Sure go ahead."

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