Chapter 19

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Juliana's POV

Today's the big day. I can't believe it's already been twenty weeks and we're going to find put what our little squirt is. Ashton absolutely hates it when I call the baby that, and naturally I haven't stopped just for that reason.

"Are you excited?" Michael asks.

We're sitting in the room that used to be his bedroom. Believe it or not Ms. Clifford refused to let Ashton and I go back to the tree house. Ashton and Michael had butted heads about it for hours when it was first mentioned to us, but Ms. Clifford had put her foot down. She had said, "there is no way in hell that I am letting you live in that damned tree house with a baby! That is the most unsafe thing I have ever heard of. You are staying here and you two boys will have to suck up your differences and get the hell over it." God I love her and I'm so thankful that she loves me enough to welcome not only me, but a complete stranger to her and a new baby.

"Excited? I mean of course, but I think I'm still trying to believe that this isn't a dream. I know it's been like four months now, but this feeling is just so weird." I say looking down at my belly.

"Juliana you'll be fine I promise. Hey do you know if Ashton was able to leave early or not?" He asks me.

"Yeah he did. He should be back any minute actually." Just as I say this in walks Ashton.

"Michael." He nods.

"Ashton. I'll leave you two alone. Let me know as soon as you can." Michael leaves.

He looks so good, and I still can't believe that he stayed with me. He definitely loves the fact that he can wear his tank tops to work now. I love seeing his tattoos when he comes home. Especially his newest edition. Its an infinity sign that looks similar to mine but instead of the quote he has our names and a space for the baby's name when we figure it out.

"Just let me change my shirt. Carlos made me work the register so I wouldn't get greasy. He's so excited for us babe. He's like a proud grandpa." He beams removing his shirt.


We're at a red light when I feel the baby move. It makes me jump, I've never felt it move before.

"Ashton Ashton give me your hand right now." I say frantically.

"Why are you ok? Is something wrong?"

"Just give me your hand." I grab it and press it to my bulging midsection.

"Juliana what are you-" He stops mid sentence when the fluttering starts again.

"Oh my god... That's our baby in there." He says in amazement.

Someone honks their horn angrily behind us. The light had turned green and we were holding up traffic.


We are no in the waiting room of the doctors office waiting to be called back for the ultrasound. Ashton's hand is resting on my stomach waiting to see if the baby will move again.

"Ashton what do you want?" I ask resting my hand on top of his.

"That's an easy one, a boy."

"Really why?"

"I don't know. I mean I guess I just want to be the father mine never was. I want to sit him in the garage and teach him everything about being a good mechanic. I want to teach him how to drive not only a car but a motorcycle. I want to do the things I wanted to do with my father with my son. I don't want to be my father." He says sadly.

Ashton is like me with my mother. He so badly doesn't want to turn into the person who has treated him so poorly. I know he's so much better than his father. He doesn't give himself enough credit. I know that he's going to be a great father.

"What about you? What do you want?" He asks me.

"I honestly don't care. I just want everything to be ok in there."

"Juliana?" A nurse calls from the doorway.


"This is going to be a little cold." Molly, the nurse, says to me as she squirts the gel onto my stomach.

It takes a minute for the image to pop up on the screen, and when it does I feel Ashton squeeze my hand. We listen to the heart beat and it still doesn't feel real.

"That's us in there babe. We made a baby." He whispers and tears spring to my eyes.

"I know Ash I know."

"Do you guys want to know the gender or do you want it to be a surprise?" Molly asks us after she checks everything.

"We want to know." Ashton and I say simultaneously.

I'm holding my breath as Molly tries to get a clear picture on the screen, and after about ten minutes she stops what she's doing and freezes the screen.

"Congratulations you two, its a girl." She points at the screen showing us how she knows.

I look up at Ashton and I can see the tears falling freely down his cheeks.


"My little girl."

Ashton's POV

A girl? I'm going to have a little girl? I thought I was dead set on wanting a boy, but a little girl? I can't believe that I'm going to have another Juliana running around. I can see her crying to and I lean over and I kiss her.

"I thought you wanted a boy?" She laughs through her tears.

"I lied." I say kissing her again.


I'm not going to lie it's been really weird living at Michael'shouse. His mom is an absolute sweetheart and I can't believe she is doing this for us. Well actually she's ding it because Juliana is like family to her. I'm not offended it's understandable, but she hasn't showed me any disrespect and I've been nothing but respectful. I've left Michael alone I can't risk making Juliana angry, and he's been pushing my buttons constantly. I've gotten better at ignoring him, and now he's just a little obnoxious buzz now..

Juliana and I are laying in bed watching some tv show, and I can hear her mumbling to herself.

"What's the matter babe?"

"I'm trying to think of a name, but I have nothing. Absolutely nothing!" She throws her hands up in frustration.

"Hm how do you like Lydia Claire?" I ask expecting her to hate it.

"Ashton I love it. Its beautiful."

"Really you think so?"

"Of course why would I lie? How did you come up with it?"

"It was my mother's name..." I say looking down at our intertwined fingers.

she moves our hands to feel the baby.

"How does Lydia Claire sound baby? Do you like that?" She asks and our baby moves.

"I think she likes it." I smile.

"Good because I love it."

"My princess. My little Lydia."

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