Chapter 18

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Juliana's POV

"Your dad called again sweetheart." Ms. Clifford said as we walked through the door.

I didn't want to stay at Taylor's anymore so I had called Mikey about a week ago and I've been at his house. That means it's been almost two whole weeks since I've slept at home, and I won't lie I haven't called either. I've never stayed away without calling my father for this long before.

"What did he want?"

"He wanted to know if you were still here or with Ashton. And he wanted me to tell you to come home."

"What did you tell him?" I ask feeling bad that she's had to cover for me by receiving drunken phone calls from my father.

"I told him you're still here and that I wouldn't make you go or do anything that you don't want to do. He had hung up not liking what I had to say."

"Thanks Ms. Clifford I really appreciate you doing this for me."

"Honey," she pauses, "you have to tell him. He is your father whether you want him to be or not, but he does have every right to know."

"You're right I should tel him." I sigh and she walks into the kitchen.

She really does have a point, but now the question was how the hell am I supposed to tell him.

"Juliana are you ok?" Michael asks as we get to his bedroom.

"I'm fine, but can I ask you to do me a favor?"

"Of course anything."

"I need you to drive me home. I'll text Ash to meet us there."

"Ok I'll let mom know."

He leaves the room and I pull out my phone.

Ash r u busy?

No I'm not. Are you ok?

I'm fine... Meet me at my house?


It's time to tell my dad...

I'm shaking as I hit the send button.

I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you.

I put my phone back in my pocket.


"Are you sure you want to do this now?" Michael asks as we pull into my drive way.

"Yes I want to get this done and over with no matter the outcome." I say and Mikey grabs my hand and squeezes it reassuringly. I smile at him.

I've been listening for the familiar roar of Ashton's motorcycle for ten minutes now. Has he decided that he really doesn't want to do this? Is he chickening out? Oh no, I'm going to have to do this alone aren't I? Well maybe Mikey will come in with me if Ashton is a no show. I can feel the panic set in as my breathing quickens.

"Juliana relax. What's the matter?" Michael asks me frantically.

"He's-not-here-" I gasp.

Michael is trying to calm me down as a blue car pulls in the drive way next to us.

"Who is that?"

"I don't know probably another one of my dad's fli-" I stop and my mouth drops open.

"Please, please, please tell me that you're seeing this too?" I ask Mikey and all he does is nod his expression mirroring mine.

Ashton had stepped out of this car that was sitting in my drive way now. I open my door and struggle to get out.

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