Chapter 1

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I moved in with my dad about a week ago because my mom couldn't take care of five kids, and since I'm the youngest guess who got the boot? That's right, yours truly.

"Honey it's not because I don't love you, because I do, it's just with Maggie going to college, sport fees, and grocery money is a little tight right now." My mother said to me as I packed my bag, and yes bag as in everything I own fits into one suitcase.

"Ok mom whatever." I had answered her knowing full well she was glad to get rid of me. I was the accident that screwed up her life. When she would get drunk, that's what she meant by groceries her alcohol, she wouldn't hesitate to let me know it.

I mean my dad definitely wasn't going to get the father of the year award, but at least he didn't make me feel like crap for existing.

I wasn't looking forward to starting school at Mason High, home of the Cocks. I'll be the new girl from California, an alien in the small town of Williamsberg, Virginia.

"Juliana are you ready for your first day of high school?" Dad knocks loudly on my door sending vibrations through the floor.

"No! I'm still sleeping!" I call back shoving my head under the pillow, which smells of cigarette smoke.

"Come on sweeatheart I'm making breakfast.  Get dressed and I'll meet you down stairs."

I roll my eyes because when dad calls me sweetheart it means he's brought yet another whore home from the bar. I figured this out by the time I was going into the sixth grade.

I jump out of bed onto the creakiest floor boards I have ever set foot on, and start putting on the clothes that I carefully picked out the night before. By the time I finish applying my mascara the smell of bacon and pancakes make their way into my room. I finish my food quickly not wanting to talk to Cammie, or whatever this girl's name is, and dad drives me to school.

"Have a great first day, oh and Juliana do me a favor and at least TRY to make some friends." He adds emphasis on the word try knowing I'm socially awkward 98% of the time.

"Gee thanks dad, not only does that make me sound like a loner that was an awesome self confidence booster." I roll my eyes, sarcasm dripping on every word. I slam the door before he can say anything in response.

I am so lost it's ridiculous, I can't even find the front office. How pathetic is that?

"Hey there you look a little lost." Someone says from behind me.

I turn around.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask the tall blonde boy.

"It isn't that hard to spot new students considering most of us grew up together." He shurgs. "What can I help you find?"

"The front office." I say looking towards the ground. God how embarrassing is this?

"Oh that's easy, I'll take you there." He beams. "My name is Luke Hemmings by the way." He says as we start walking in the opposite direction I had been going.

"Juliana Ferrara." I say following Luke's lead.

I made it to the front office thanks to Luke. The office is very dull and boring, it has no colors or any distinguishing features. The closest thing they have to anything exciting is the trophy case with a small welcome back to school sign.

Luke grabs my schedule. "Looks like we have lunch and bio together." He hands it back to me along with a school map.

"Cool, um would you mind showing me to my first class?" I ask nervously.

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