Chapter 8

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Juliana's POV

Ashton is playing with my hair while we lay down on his new mattress in the tree house. We've been coming here a lot since the whole Gabbe thing happened a little over a month ago. Ashton doesn't know that Michael knows about us, and to be honest I'm afraid for Michael's life if Ash ever does find out.

Taylor hasn't dropped the idea of homecoming either. Its in a few weeks and she wants me to go dress shopping with her tomorrow. I really don't want to go unless I'm going with Ashton, but I couldn't tell her that.

"Babe what are you thinking about?" Ashton asks pulling me tighter to his bear chest.

"What? Nothing."

"Don't lie."

"How do you know I'm lying?"

"You trace my tattoos when you're thinking." I feel him chuckle.

"Its nothing don't worry about it." I shrug knowing he won't care.

"Oh come on, keeping secrets isn't good for you."

"You won't care."

"Try me." He challenges.

"Fine, I was thinking about homecoming." Everything was silent for a minute. "Ash?" I ask and he erupts with laughter.

"Homecoming? Why on earth would you be thinking about that?" He's wiping tears from his eyes.

"Because Taylor wants me to go, but I don't want to unless it's with you." I say and that shuts him up.

"I'll think about it."

"That's it? You'll think about it?" I ask pulling away from him.

"Yes, and don't get pissy with me it isn't an outright no."

"You're lucky you're cute Irwin, otherwise you'd be in a lot more trouble." I say rolling over to kiss him.

"Ready for another round babe?" He asks when I pull away out of breath.


"Babe I really have to go. If my dad is home he's going to kill me for being out past curfew." I say looking at my phone, it's 11:30.

"The key word there is if."

"Come on Ashton seriously."

"Noooooooo I don't want toooo leeeaveeee!" He cries kissing my shoulder.

"What are we going to do? Stay here all night?"

"Yes that's exactly what we are going to do."

"What? I was being sarcastic!"

"Well I'm beign serious, we are staying here."

"Ashton it's October, and it's freezing out." I say.

"I can fix that." He gets up and goes to the same cabinet where he keeps hid tattoo kit. "One tiny space heater and some extra blankets." Proud of himself he smiles.

"You are ridiculous."

He cuddles up to me after everything is al set up and I'm not going to lie this is actually kind of really nice.

"My dad texted me. He wants to know where I am." I say.

"See if that kid Michael will cover for you. Oh and tell him you refuse to go home and found another place to stay for the night." Ashton says knowing Michale will do whatever I ask.

"Ok fine hold on."

'Mikey u still up??'

'Yea y?'

'Can u cover for me?'

'Um y?'

'I'm spendign the night w/ Ash.'

'u want me to say ur over here if ur dad calls.'


'Fine but only bc ur my best friend.'

'Ur a life saver! Love u <3'

'Yea yea yea! Be careful! Night!'

I text my dad telling him I decided to spend the night at Michael's, and I apologize for not telling him in advance.

"Well?" Ashton asks when I put down my phone.

"He bought it so I'm all yours."

"Perfect." He twists his fingers in my hair and pulls me in for a kiss.


Ashton's POV

"What was that for?" Juliana asks me smiling.

"I'm just really happy you're here."

"Oh and why is that?"

"Because you're amazing." I say and she gets this weird look on her face. "What?"

"If I'm so amazing why won't you go to homecoming with me?"


"Its not really my thing. I've never been and I don't intend to start anytime soon."

"It isn't my thing either Ashton. I don"t dance and my people skills are awful, but I'm willing to embarass myself for you." She sighs playing with my fingers.

"Juliana I didn't say no..."

"But I know you won't go so don't even worry about it anymore."

"Juliana come on."

"I don't want to talk about it anymore. Just drop it." She rolls over so her back is to me.

"Juliana look at me." I roll her back over.

"What Ashton?"

"Don't cry because of me. Let's enjoy our time together." I kiss her tears away.

She melts into me, and i pull the covers over our heads putting yet another condom on.


"Juliana hey we gotta go." I gently shake her shoulder. I hated having to wake her up. She has my flannel pulled around her naked body, and I could see my tattoo. Her hair is sprawled out under her, and she's snoring lightly.

"What time is it?" Her eyelids flutter open and she stretches.

"It's almost noon. All that fun yesterday really tired you out."

"Well when we go at it all night like that it's almost expected."

I laugh at her shaking my head. I can't get over her. All she wants to do is make me happy.

"Oh shit!" She sits bolt up right in bed.

"What? Are you ok?"

"I need to get to Michael's now!" She's gettign dressed.

"Your dad?"

"No Taylor!"


"I'm supposed to go dress shopping with her in an hour! Shit! Where the hell is my shirt?!" She's looking everywhere. I walk over to the lava lamp in the corner.

"Babe its over here."

"Thanks, here's your shirt."

"So how are you going to explain me dropping you off to Michael?" I ask buttoning my shirt.

"I had to get to his house somehow didn't I?"

"That's true, come on." I kiss her long and hard before climbing down the ladder.

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