Chapter 20

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Juliana's POV

I'm so sick of being pregnant! I'm fat, irritable, everything hurts, and I have to pee every freaking five minutes.

School ended last month for me, and I can't believe I actually made it through the year. Ashton is the real person to be proud of though. I mean he did it he's graduating with his class! Tomorrow is his graduation and of course he wants me there, and it's not that I don't want to go because I do I just don't want to look like a blimp.

"Hey how're you feeling? You're awfully quiet over there." Ashton asks me from where he's laying down on the bed.

"Fat and tired nothing new, but Lydia is sitting right under my ribs trying to stretch out. I want to scream. No position I've tried has gotten her to move."

"You are not fat... Let me see if I can help." He says and he walks to the rocking chair. When he gets to me he crouches down getting as close as he can to my belly.

"Lydia honey," he puts his hand on my belly, "mommy needs you to move she's very uncomfortable. You need to get here soon baby we can't wait to meet you."

Slowly Lydia untucks herself as if she can actually understand what he's saying to her, and I'm grateful.

"Thanks you. She's one lucky little girl to have a daddy like you." I say running my fingers through his hair.

"You really think so?"

"No," I pause, "I know so."

"Don't do that to me. You almost gave me a heart attack." He laughs at me.

"Well if she's a lucky little girl for having a daddy like me then she's even luckier because she has a mommy like you."

"Ashton she's almost here. I mean any day now we're going to be parents and all of this will become real." I say motioning around our room.We have bottles, clothes, diapers, wipes, and many other baby items strewn around the room.

All of my friends have been so helpful the past couple of months. Luke, Mikey, and Calum brought me all the work from the days that I missed, and they even got me recordings of the lessons. I am beyond thankful for them.

"So Mr. High School Graduate," I laugh as he kisses my belly, "who did you give your grad tickets to?"

"You, Carlos, Ms. Clifford, and Mikey."

"You're calling him Mikey now? When did that happen?"

"A few days ago. His mom had the car and he ran out of guitar strings, so he asked me for a ride to the music shop. He knows a lot about guitars, almost as much as I know about drums. And damn can that kid play! We had the ultimate jam session at the shop and it actually made people stop to listen."

"I told you he wasn't a bad guy." I say struggling to get up.

"Whoa where do you think you're going?" He helps me up.

"Fat lady has to pee again."

Ashton's POV

Today is the big day. I'm graduating. I proving every person that said I'd never make it to this point in my life wrong, especially my no good father. The one who said he wouldn't be surprised if he found me in a gutter. I do have to give a lot of credit to Juliana for my success. Without her help I probably would've ended up in the gutters. She pulled me out of a dark place and pulled me into the light. I don't know what I'd be without her.

Juliana's mood has been really weird today. She's being moodier than usual, and she keeps stopping to take a deep breath. Whenever I ask her if she's ok she just yells at me to stop asking her that question.She's just so uncomfortable, and I know she wants to go to graduation just she feels like people will judge her.

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