Chapter 17

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Ashton's POV

"I'm pregnant."

My heart stops. Pregnant? I go back in my head trying to figure out where we went wrong. I've been nothing but careful.

Oh shit... The day we made up the day I told her I loved her and we made love... I forgot a condom. How could I have been so careless? This is all my fault...

I'm freaking out inside, but I can't bring myself to say anything to Juliana just yet. I don't know if my face is giving anything away either. What am I going to do? I mean I will not leave her I love her, but there's no way in hell we'll be able to do this. Is there? There has to be, and if not I will find a way even if it kills me. Juliana and this baby will be my life, my everything, and my world.

Juliana's POV

Ashton is a statue. He hasn't said a word or moved for the past fifteen minutes. His face is emotionless too and I'm really starting to get scared. What id he just doesn't say anything and just gets up and leaves? If he leaves will I ever see him again? Will I have to do this by myself? I don't want to be my mother. I can't be my mother.

"What if he asks you to get rid of it?" My subconscious whispers at me.

'"He won't..."

"You don't sound very confident about that..."

"Just shut up!"  I push back my thoughts.

"A-ashton?" I manage to whisper.

"I'm going to be a dad..."

"What?" I ask thinking I heard him wrong.

"I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!!" He yells pulling me in for a kiss.

Wait he's excited about this? How is he excited about this? This is absolutely terrifying...

"You're excited about this?" I whisper to him.

"Aren't you?"

"No Ashton I'm not. I'm scared out of my mind about this." I can feel the tears welling in my eyes. I'm so happy that he took the news as well as he did.

"Why? I mean sure it wasn't planned but things happen and we have to roll with the punches life throws at us."

"Ashton I'm a freshman in high school...This is when my mom had my oldest sister. I'm turning into my mother! I'm going to have five kids with different fathers and I'm going to be an alcoholic that can't even afford her kids!"

"Don't you dare say that. You will not turn into your mother everything will be fine."

"How do you know any of that?"

"Because I love you and I won't let that happen I promise." He says looking me in the eyes. How in the hell does he have this spell on me? His eyes are hypnotizing.

"I love you too." I say and we kiss.


I'm sitting under the oak tree while Ashton plays with the tire swing. This is my first time outside in the past week and although it may be cold it feels great to be in the fresh air. Ashton told me everything about him and Taylor and now I understand why she didn't like the fact that he and I are together.

"Are we going to go back to the tree house?" Ash asks as he's spinning the tire swing up.

"Um I'm not."

"What why not?" He slips out of surprise and the swing starts spinning in fast circles.

"I can't ride your bike anymore, so I'm stuck here, at home, or at Michael's." I say after he stops spinning. I pick up a dried oak leaf.

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