6. If Only He Said Brassiere

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Hello, loves!
So anyways, sorry it took quite a while to update. I've had this chapter saved for a bit, but there weren't many votes, so I was waiting on uploading. The more votes I get, the more I update. *WINK WINK* So share this story with your mum's sister's uncle's brother, your friends, the neighborhood lady who lives in a shopping cart at the end of the street and yells at cars. SHARE IT WITH EVERYONE! *Dramatic fist in the air* ;D
This chapter's awfully long...compared to like...my first couple of chappys, I was going to split it in two, but I keep giving you all filler chapters, so I ruled against it. OVER RULED. COURT DISMISSED. BRING OUT THE DANCING LOBSTERS. Now, I have a question. Do you like the longer chapters or the shorter chapters better? Let me know! FAN/COMMENT/VOTE OR ELSE RUDOLPH WILL PEE ON YOUR FACE. lolol jk. But seriously. Please? :3 I gave them all tattoos since the boys seem to have 374934754. NOW THEY MATCH. XD Some tattoos are inspired by Cher Lloyd and Christina Perrie. And speaking of the boys' tattoos, everyone's so worked up about them even though this was a while ago, but I don't really care, because it's their body and I'm sure the tattoos mean something to them...Like Louis' stickman. That must have some sentimental value, I hope. O.e Also, the girls' signatures as well as the random song they break out into is in the sidebar. -> 



Sammi’s POV.

I am 525600% done. I'm not too keen on being woken up in the morning. The morning is the pain of my life with Fae and Eponine. Feponine (I’m too lazy to spell out their names. Which sounds like Fap-onine and I’m sorry for pointing that out. Should I call them Epofae? That sounds like some fancy and environmentally green bottled water name.) woke me up because we had more recording and other things on our schedule. I’ve been up for four hours and it’s only 9:00 AM. But to make everything worse, I've not eaten anything at all today and I swear if someone doesn’t stuff an extra large pizza inside my mouth right now, I’m going to eat everyone in this van we are riding in. 

On the bright side, we got a lot of recording for our new album done. We were on our way to a studio in which we would film our very first music video for our single, Wings. Nerve racking, right? The filming for the video would take place over three days, and today was day one. I couldn’t concentrate on whatever Eponine was blabbing to me about because all I could think about was sinking my teeth into a really big cheeseburger. Like the one I made last night. It was amazing. There was some cheese. And some burger.

This is why I don’t talk to people. 

“Sammi? Are you listening to me?” Eponine snapped me out of my food related day dream. Day dreaming about food isn’t weird at all.

“Huh? Oh, sorry.” I murmured before closing my eyes and leaning back in my car seat. Not a baby car seat, obviously. I’m a big girl who sits in a big car seat, because I’m a big girl. I just said that twice, didn’t I? It’s because I’m distracted by the sounds of my stomach being possessed by Satan.

“I said I cannit wait!” She squealed. She meant to say cannot, but with her heavy accent, it came out as cannit. Fae placed her hand over Eponine’s mouth, shushing her. Thank you, Fae. Here, I present to you a free novelty tooth brush for your service to this country. 

“Eponine. Please. Your voice. It hurts. Shh. EW, DID YOU JUST LICK ME?!” Fae removed her hand from Eponine’s mouth like she had been electrocuted. Fae seemed just as tired as me, but less grumpy. Usually Eponine isn’t necessarily a morning person either, but since we’ve been up for four hours, it wore off. Me? Not so much. I want to go back to the flat and curl up in a fetal position and sleep until Christmas of 2009. I do indeed realize Christmas '09 has already passed. It’s going to happen anyways. I don’t know how yet, but MARK MY WORDS. The cool characters say that in the movies. I’m a cool character, which is why I’m the Queen of the Kool Kats. Nominated and elected by myself. Eponine and Fae don’t know yet, though. 

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