Author Q&A

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Hi. I said I'd do a Q&A, so thanks for sending me questions so I didn't feel like a loser, hooray! Also thank you for all of your lovely comments and all of the votes and messages and just everything. You're amazing. So here it all is, weeey heeeey:


1. Do any of the girls have a kid [in the future]?

When I originally (like forever ago) planned the epilogue/eppylogue, it was supposed to be a few years later and Sammi was supposed to be pregant, but that didn't happen.

2. What happens to the girls' relationships and do Furious Antics ever get back together?

Well, that's up to you and whoever decided to write a sequel! In my mind, Fae and Harry get together, Eppy and Liam start a family, and Sammi and Niall's undecided for me. And of course! They were kind of like a Girls Aloud thing in my head (the whole solo artists yet still a band type of issue). This is also in response to @fivewierdboys, sorry for not responding in the comments. I'm a defiant lil poophead.

3. What am I supposed to do with my life [now that PITA's over]?

I don't know...Maybe ride a bike or something? djfdgihdfughif idek what i'm doing 

4. What about Zayn?

zayn falls in love with me and we have a child OOPS

5. If someone does write a sequel, will I tell you who?

Yes, of course! I'll post all sequel links if anyone goes through with it! Probably on this book as another part.

6. How is my grandma doing?

As I told someone else who asked, she's partying with Jesus up in his crib. Unless you meant my other one, (who's actually my step-step-step-step grandma) who also passed away a few weeks ago. Don't worry about me though, everyone! I'm doing good! :)


7. Is this finished quickly?

For me, yes! But if someone writes their own sequel for it, I'll link you all! 

8. What's your favourite song on Salute and Midnight Memories?

DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE. I love them all, okay!? For Midnight Memories, I really love Little White Lies. And Better Than Words. And Happily. And Little Black Dress. aLL OF THEM. OF YOU & I IS RLLY GOOD TOO BECAUSE OF ZAYN'S FALSETTO HELP ME I HAVE NO SELF CONTROL. For Salute, Une Autre Personne (if it counts), See Me Now, About the Boy, Nothing Feels Like Me, Salute, and Move. Wait. You asked for one. I regret nothing.

9. What is Nammi's relationship?

Like I said, they were supposed to be originally married and pregant already in the epilogue, but then I thought it'd be best if I kept it vague so you all could make all your own endings and so it wouldn't be too cliche fanfic-y.

10. What happened to Louis and Elle?

They ran off into the sunset and lived in a treehouse, writing poetry in the Amazon. JK, they fell back in love.

11. What was your original plan for the sequel you were going to write?

There would be fluffy snippets of Sammi's pregnancy with Niall where the plot line was they lose the baby, but later on find out there's twins, so they only lost one and that sounds so awful what was i thinking. The main plot line was going to be about Harry and Fae's honeymoon where everything goes wrong. Basically like the move called Just Married (Because I loved Brittany Murphey).

12. What inspired you to write PITA?

I became obsessed with fanfics and would become very conflicted because the main characters wouldn't do what I wanted them to do, so I just wrote my own.

13. Are you still going to write after retiring from Wattpad?

Yes, of course! I already have an idea for my own original book called 'Breakfast at Flo's', although the male lead Leo is heavily based off of Harry ooooopsies?

14. What will you do now that PITA's over?
I'm not sure. I think I'm going to have a cuppa tea and go to bed.

15. How can I meet you?

why would anyone want to meet me you guys are weird. I'm going to Demi Lovato's concert in Houston and to New York the first week after my schooling ends!

16. Do you want to be an author when you grow up?
I don't know! I'm just going to follow the plan God has for me (sORRY TO GET ALL RELIGIOUS BUT ME AND JC ARE TIGHT OK*). I'd like to on the side. I think I'm going to go into fashion, because that's what I really love.

17. What do you look like?
zac efron singing bet on it. No, jk. I put a really awkward picture where I look like a blowfish on the sidebar. I look like a fetus too. This was not a good choice why. NEVERMIND I PUT A DIFFERENT PICTURE HAVE FUN DECIDING WHICH ONE'S MY SISTER AND WHICH ONE'S ME PCE OUT

18. Where else can I find you off of Wattpad?


i have an instagram so like message me and i'll tell you my username but i'd appreciate if you wouldn't comment about anything wattpad related bc i'd be hardcore judged. i'm also on tumblr (


19. How old are you?

i think i'm two idk man i lost count somewhere down there

20. What is 'the thing'?

Okay, so the thing about the thing is that I was an awful author and couldn't think of anything to be the thing which is why it's called the thing. So that's the thing oops.

Thank you all, really.

I love you! :) xx

 *Speaking of religion, I know that this book is an awful example to set forth of myself following Jesus and I apologize for that. I wrote this in a period of my life where I felt incredibly alone and it just felt like God didn't really care about me. So, in response to feeling like He wasn't a presence in my life (although you never have to chase after God because God is always chasing after you), I further pushed him out of my life. Which is part of the reason I used a lot of profanity. I'm not saying that if you use profanity you're a sinner and you're going to Hell. I'm just saying that for me, my usage of a lot of profanity was not ladylike and not how I want to speak or present myself to the World. I apologize for this long thing, bottom line is SORRY FOR BEING A POTTY MOUTH I'M NOT LIKE THAT ily all ur perf xxx

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