21. Chuckles the Clown is Going to Get You

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 “..And Liam’s mum just caught on fire?” Loumeister asked. He was leaned forward on the black leather couch opposite me, listening intently to what I was saying, slightly swaying with the movement of my tour bus.

 He was being my therapist.

My mam always joked about me needing a therapist and the best I could get right now was Louis.

Lord help us.

“Er, yes.” I was telling Louis about my dream from the other night. I’m pretty sure he might want to call the police or something because when one of your best mates’ girlfriends has a dream about her boyfriend’s mother catching fire on account of her, something is seriously wrong.

 “..THAT GIRL IS ON FIREEEEEEE!” He joked in his , before cracking up at his own stupid joke.

 Yeah, Louis. You are so funny, L-O-L.

 Ha ha, I am going to punch you in the face.

 But you sill had to admire at how uniquely beautiful his voice was, although I’d never tell him that. 

I threw a pillow at him.

 My band seemed to have a habit of throwing pillows at people.

 “Hey!” He shouted once the pillow hit him in the face. I’m pretty sure any Directioner would kill me right now because I dented his quiff, or shall I say tidal wave.

 I’m allowed to make fun of him because if he kills me, he’d get in trouble with Management.

 It’s a big ‘no-no’ to kill a semi famous girl band member.

“I’m serious! This is a bad thing! What is my dream supposed to mean!?” 

Louis just shook his head and chuckled.

 Chuckle is still such a weird, uncomfortable word if you ask me. It sounds like the name of a really creepy and really demented evil Clown.

Chuckles the Clown is going to get you.

 I creeped myself out. Now I feel like I’m being watched.

 “Eppy, it was just a dream, babe! It doesn’t mean a thing!”

“Lou, I set Liam’s mam on fire. How does that not mean anything!?”

“It was just a dream!”

“It was just a dream!” I mimicked in a high pitched voice.

 You’d think I’d mimic it in a deeper voice, since he’s of the male species. But, no.

 “I dreamed a dream of time gone by-”

Once I had a friend named Heather and her mam was apparently half gypsy and could decipher dreams. Going to her house was always a bit awkward when I was younger though, because her mam dressed in long, colourful skirts paired with flowers she put in her hair and insisted I called her Sunshine. They also had this baby chick who I almost stepped on and an Afghan Hound that they dyed rainbow hair colours named Nikki. I swear, and it may sound crazy, but I swear I saw Nikki burst into flames. Nikki also likes to eat flesh. They feed her meat and when I asked what type of meat it was, Sunshine just laughed at me. Even though Nikki burst into flames, she appeared about three minutes later through the cat door. I'm not sure how she fit through it. And then she ate so much of her weird meat that she exploded. 

 I was horrified to say the least.

I didn’t like going to Heather’s house very often. But I kind of wish I could see her right now so she can tell me what the dream was.

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