Chapter 23, Choose

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Hey guys, so sorry for the delay on this last chapter, I got really busy with things, but now I am back, and newly married, and ready to begin again and start anew.

Toshiro sighed as he walked slowly back to Karin's house, having just left a meeting with the Head Captain at Kisuke's.

He knew that he would not be here much longer, that he would have to go back to the Soul Society.

But maybe he didn't have to go back alone; He had a proposition for Karin, one he knew that only she could make the choice.

It would always be her choice, yet all the same, he had an inkling of what she would choose, and he accepted that it would not always be him, though he would choose her every time of everyday.

All the same, it would in the end be her decision, and hers alone to make.

Then he sighed again, thinking of how Ichigo would react, he would be pissed, he would be against it.

Toshiro stops and stares at the house in front of him, a gentle longing reverberating inside for the person he knew was inside. The person he had come to care about greatly. The girl the he loved more than anything else that existed.

Karin Kurosaki.

Some would say that Fate had brought them together, but would Destiny tear them apart? It all depended on one decision, one voice to change it all or end it all in an instant.

He wondered what she would choose, but then a part of him already knew.

The door swings open wide, pulling him from his reverie as his eyes met with familiar brown eyes that bore into his own like a fire igniting between them.

"Toshiro, why were you just standing outside my house like a creep?"



"We need to talk."

Four words, but Karin could feel that those four words held so much emotion behind them.

She tried to tune into it.



"Okay." Karin finally answers, stepping aside to let Toshiro enter as he grabs her hand and pulls her upstairs to her room where he shuts the door.

He forces her against the wall, their eyes locked on each others, and Karin smirks, "if you wanted to have hot and steamy sex Toshiro, you could have just said so." That makes him let go in an instant, his face instantly heating up.

"That's not...I don..." He shakes his flustered head and takes a breath, "that's not what I came here for Karin."

"I know, I just wanted to get you all flustered before you left." She sighs.

"Did you just read my mind?"

"No, but why else would you come here all serious like unless it was to say goodbye?" Karin points out.

"I may not have to say goodbye, not if you come with me!" He just blurts out without thinking about his words, his eyes widening in realization of what he's just said.

"What?" Karin looks at him, if she really wanted to know then she could just read him, but she wouldn't do that to him, she needed to find out from him, from the words on his lips. The words she knew part of him was too afraid to say.

"That's what I really came here to speak to you about," he locks eyes with her once again, "When I spoke with the Head Captain, I mentioned you, and he offered a proposition. That proposition was that you come back with me to the Soul Society, and you live there. Of course, ultimately, the choice is always going to be yours." He would never force her to go with him, to choose him, and he knew that a part of her heart would always remain here.

Karin is silent for a moment, both of them looking at each other, and neither one of them wanting to speak the words that lay just on the tip of their tongue.

"Do you want me to go back to the Soul Society with you Toshiro?" Karin asks him, she of course knew the answer, but she wanted to hear him say it, she wanted to hear him say that he wanted her.

"I think you already know my answer Karin." He gives a sad smile before adding, "just as I already know yours."

Karin doesn't look away, no she stares back into his memorizing turquoise eyes, his eyes that draw her in every single time she looks at him.

"Will you go with me?" He questions.

"No. I won't go Toshiro, I can't. I'm sorry." Karin finally answers him, but he knew all along that she would always choose to stay here, that she would not go with him.

Still, even having known what her answer would be, that didn't stop the pain he felt inside from hearing her say it.

"I understand." He nods and turns away sadly.

"I want you to say it Toshiro, tell me that you want me to go with you."

Toshiro gulps, "I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm just being selfish if I do Karin, and I can't do that to you. You don't deserve it." Toshiro responds, turning back around to meet her piercing gaze, she was his everything, he could try, but that was one fact that he could never deny. He loved her with every part of his heart, body, and soul.

"Then I guess I'm being selfish too."


Karin smiles, "wait for me." She tells him, "Wait for me Toshiro and come back for me on the dawn of the day after I graduate high school. Until then, please just wait for me Toshiro." Karin knew that she was being selfish by telling him to wait, but it was a chance she was going to take, to either risk it all or lose it all.

Toshiro gives a small laugh, "I would wait a hundred years for you if I had to. Because I would rather wait for you verses never seeing you again. Karin, I want you to go back with me, but I will wait for you."

"You're too kind to me Toshiro." Karin gives a small sad smile before looking down at her feet, "You shouldn't let me take advantage of you like this."

"You are not taking advantage of me Karin, I just love you." Toshiro placing his hand under her chin raises her face up to meet his, their foreheads touching. He runs his thumb over her soft lips, his tender touch igniting a beautiful feeling inside her. "I promise to come back for you." He kisses her forehead, and then, like a leaf, he is gone, leaving behind the lingering brush of his lip against hers.

A zephyr breeze wafts though her open window, his smell lingering in the air along with the silent sound of his goodbye. But he didn't need to even say a word for her to hear him.

"I love you, and Good bye Toshiro Hitsuguya, until we meet again." Karin whispers aloud, closing her eyes, the image of him permanently burned into her head. She knew that she would always be the cause of the pain in his heart that she caused just now, just as she would always be cause of the pain in her own heart, but they would see each other again, she would make sure of that.

Authors Note: And that's the last chapter, sorry it was so late, hope you guys liked it.

 And yes, there will be a second book to continue Karin and Toshiro's story, but it will not be put up until after the first of the year.

Please tell me what you guys thought, I would love to everyone's comments and reviews on the book.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this.

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